She twirls her hand as if we’re supposed to be able to catch up. “You know, because of the shape of the big lake…and this little lake looks like…seriously, you’ve never heard that?”

Her cheeks are bright red. It wasn’t lost on me that she avoided stating what the peninsula looks like. I would pay to hear “cock” muttered from her sweet lips. I’d pay even more to have my…nope! Abrupt halt.

I’m grateful Carson jumps in. “I can see why. Count on high schoolers to think of that.”

I’d graduated eight years before Zoe and Natalie, so it must have come up after my time.

“Come to think of it, I didn’t hear it until my junior year. Guess I assumed the little lake had always had the nickname.”

She may be the one blushing, but I can’t take more of this. I’m too tempted.

“Yeah, well, thanks for the education.”

Carson’s cracking up. “These next few weeks could be interesting.”

Yes, they will. And somehow, we have to finish designing and engineering the house for our client while all I can think about is letting Goldilocks try out our beds.



Curlinguponmysuper-plush bed, I stare out the giant window at the brilliant sunset erupting behind the mountain.

This is a dream come true. Living in the jizz.

I squeeze my thighs together at the meaning I’d like that to have. I’m just a college drop-out, biding her time as a maid, though. Any interest I thought I saw from them had to be part of my heat fantasies. Plus, Natalie would kill me.

I flop onto my side and pull the pillow onto my face. Not like I have a chance. Nathan probably still thinks of me as a little girl. He seemed so uncomfortable offering me the job. Like he was trying to talk me out of it.

Now I get why Natalie never showed me a picture of Carson. How can she be so lucky to have the hottest brothers on the planet? Maybe that’s not lucky.

I do a mini-scream, not wanting either of the guys to hear.

Natalie’s parents made it clear that her brother made a name for himself as an architect for unique, high-end homes, and I’d heard about their half-brother, the engineer, but I’d never dug deeper.

Avoiding asking about Nathan or searching him up on the internet had been the only way to keep my crush on him at bay.

At least I can benefit from his success for two weeks. Then back to my real life.

I jump up, slide the glass door open, and sprawl onto a deck chair. Live it up while I can. This is way better than Skylar’s couch in Peach Bottom Valley. The houses are scrunched together, allowing the maximum number of middle-classers to live in the cozy mountain town.

I can’t judge though… At least she has her own house.

With what the guys have agreed to pay me on top of the money I’ll make from the other cleaning jobs, I’ll pad my savings and have time to ponder my future while living the high life. These two weeks will be my encouragement to get a high-paying job so I can keep living like this.

The buzz of my phone brings me back to reality.

Natalie:Are you settling in?

I need to break my arrangement to her gently.

Me:Skylar hooked me up with some great clients.

Those damn dots come and go from the screen. I fire off a quick message before she has a chance to send a judgy comment telling me I should go back to college. Ugh, if I didn’t love her…

Me:in Eggplant Canyon
