She has one hand on my chest and the other on his. “I haven’t changed my mind. And since you broke my vibrator when you dropped it, you’re going to have to take care of me.”

He lifts her onto the counter and positions himself between her legs. Her skirt rode up but he’s close enough that it bunches even more. “I have every intention of taking care of you.”

“Right here?”

“Have you ever done it on a counter?”

“No.” She doesn’t have to think about it.

How many times has she had sex? I know I should ask. I don’t.

“You don’t have to do this.” Do I sound like a broken record? I don’t want to make things weird, but fucking her is. Why does my dream girl have to be Zoe? Will she tell Natalie we’re sexual deviants if she realizes I want to knock her up with at least triplets?

She seems to be thinking about what she would say no to then blurts, “I want to.”

In theory, it’s easier for me to let Carson go first since he’s between her legs. He’s already dropping his pants and scooting her to the edge.

My cock nearly busts through my jeans. “You’re not wearing any panties.”

Stating the obvious is rarely useful, but I can’t stop myself.

Carson laughs as he brushes a thumb over her curls.

She bites her lower lip and wrinkles her brow. “I wanted to know what it felt like.”

There’s no stopping myself. Gently tugging, I guide her legs wider. My fingers dip toward the already wet curls surrounding the milky white juices coating her tight opening. I extend a finger, wetting it in her excitement. Oh fuck, I’m in trouble.

Carson positions his cock at her entrance. “Is it okay if he plays with your sweet spot while I stroke you from the inside?”

“I think so. I’ve never done this before.” The softness in her tone makes me suspect a threesome isn’t the only thing she hasn’t done.

I kiss her lips while circling a finger over her clit. She’s hungry. I decide to run with it. “Neither have we. Are you ready?”

She nods but her kiss tightens.

I lean away and look down. Carson’s tip has pushed past her pussy lips. “Hold on.”

They both look at me like I’ve lost my mind. I force my hand to her thigh.

I can’t let this go. “Are you a virgin?”

Why is there a pause? Every muscle in my body tenses. Her first time can’t be like this. How the hell can I get Carson to take his dick out of her?

“I’m not.” Her answer is so timid I don’t trust her.

Carson has to understand what I’m getting at. Based on his tip inching forward, I’m guessing he’s taking her word for it.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He’ll hate me if I ruin this. Shit. I’ll hate myself.

“I don’t mean just with a vibrator. Have you had a cock inside of you?” Doesn’t that sound patronizing? If we could go back to the rooftop the first day, I’d tell the maid service we need a replacement for the replacement.

“Yes.” The single word. The three letters of it. The breath that she says it on…they’re angel’s voices, wishes being granted, and friendships saved.

Carson looks me dead in the eye. “You done with the interrogation?”

In my periphery, his hips push forward. His expression shifts to pure bliss. I can’t believe what we’re doing. That I’m watching two people have sex. Way more intimate than porn. Way more dangerous because I have attachments to both of them. Way out of my comfort zone.