“I can’t think clearly enough to figure that out yet.”

“What if she’s grossed out that we have history? Would you hate me for cock-blocking?”

“When I brought up hearing her through the wall, she looked at you, not me.”

“She was probably embarrassed.”

“No. I saw the spark in her eyes. She hoped you heard her too. She checks out your ass when she thinks no one’s looking. She checks out your cock, too. She respects you and wants you.”

“I’ve noticed her do the same to you.”

“She wants both of us.”

“This could go seriously wrong.”

“It already has.”

We stare at each other for a few seconds. He’s right. This is already fucked up.

I pound a fist into the wall. “I can’t be the one to approach her. And I don’t think we should just barge onto the roof while she’s…” Fuck, my dick hardens at the thought of Zoe filling her pussy with anything other than Carson or me.

The door to the stairs swings open.



Sneakingontotherooffor a late-night orgasm had seemed a safe way to put a dent in my cravings without waking the guys up again. The crisp air with the stars overhead offered the perfect solitude for my forbidden pleasures.

Padding downstairs, I ease the lower door open, ready to tiptoe to my bedroom.

I stop dead in my tracks. Carson and Nathan are staring at me from Carson’s doorway.

Nathan’s sweatpants are slung low on his hips. In the faint light, I make out the outline of his cock. Carson’s hair is mussed like he’s run his hands through it repeatedly.

Their expressions speak of desire. My rooftop session proves completely inadequate. Does Natalie have to know? Does she get a say?

A second too late, I remember that I’m holding my bright pink vibrator. Both men notice it, their expressions growing more tense. I hide it behind my back anyway.

Is that disappointment that flashes over Carson’s face? What can I say? They have to understand that a girl has needs.

He steps forward, reaching behind my back. I want to die. Not really. I want him to grab my ass and pull me tight. Is he as hard and hung as Nathan? Am I depraved? I should be thinking about how to keep my job. Employers rarely like it when you wake them up in the middle of the night every night.

I crane my neck to escape the lure of dragging my fingers through his chest hair. He looks down at me from inches away. There’s not enough air for both of us.

His hand slides along my arm. I’m paralyzed for all the wrong reasons. I want my best friend’s brothers to fuck me. I want to see the possessiveness in Carson’s eyes again. I want them to loom over me while they decide how to take me.

His large hand closes over mine. His fingers wedge between mine, one at a time, shoving mine out of the way. He tucks his thumb around my wrist, keeping my hand in his possession. My only movement is me swallowing mortification.

I’d love to wake up from a dream right about now. I get the message. Stop masturbating in their house. My body grows hotter. I don’t think it’s a dream.

Carson’s free hand slips into mine. I can’t see Nathan with Carson standing so close. Will he be able to keep Carson calm? My breaths are audible. I wish he’d just get it over with and fire me.

“You shouldn’t be using this.” Carson’s voice is low and haggard as he brings the pink penis beside us. “Besides, it’s not big enough.”

Did he just say… No time to think. He guides my hand to his erection.

He’s right.