Jealousy courses through me. “How the hell do you know that? Did you walk in on her?”

“That would be a sight.” Carson shoves his empty plate away and sits back. “I’m not that lucky. I heard her through the wall.”

“You’re serious?”

He nods.

I watch the entrance to the laundry room even though I can hear that she’s still busy. “How can you be sure?”

“She uses a vibrator and her moan… That pool of maple syrup she drenched my pancakes in has nothing on that sweet sound.”

“She’s off-limits.”

He mumbles something that doesn’t sound like agreement.

Dropping my head into my hands, I accept that we’ve made a horrible decision. Carson and I will have such bad cases of blue balls, we’re going to be worthless.

I raise my head.

How can he be so calm, almost happy?

I’m tense enough for both of us. I clarify, “Through the wall, that’s it, you didn’t go to her room when you heard her…”

He shakes his head. “No. I gave you my word.”

I nod. “Thanks.”

“I just don’t know if I can keep it.”



Therichscentofa cigar comforts me when I enter Carson and Nathan’s office. Curiosity over which guy is the cigar smoker is settled when I see a candle burning. Interesting.

I’d avoided the guys after breakfast, unsure how to handle Carson’s basic admission that he heard me masturbating. The immediate embarrassment had quickly given way to exhilaration.

Living with two hot guys takes a toll on a girl. I’ve never experienced so much attraction, to the point I had to give myself an orgasm in the middle of the night. The way Carson brought it up shocked me at first, but I think he liked hearing me. Is it naughty to be glad I gave him a show?

Will he tell Nathan? The poor guy seemed to be in the dark.

I step to the candle, using my hand to waft the fragrance to my nose. The label reads,Cigar Lounge. “That’s a surprisingly realistic scent.”

Carson laughs and it occurs to me that both men are watching me instead of doing their work. He says, “It’s a win-win. Cigars smell great but I’m not of fan of all the health problems, and my hands are usually too busy to hold a cigar anyway.”

Nathan adds, “Yeah, and it’s cool that candle makers realized guys like to burn candles too but don’t necessarily want a pink or purple candle with floral scents. Although, I saw one calledGrease Monkey, and I wasn’t sold on the automotive scent. My days of having to work on my own cars made that a scent of necessity not a scent of fun.”

“Hmm… Maybe I should swap my perfume for Eau de Whiskey,” I tease.

Is that a growl that I hear from Carson? Is he irritated I’m interrupting their workday? They made it clear that their timeframe to get the project wrapped up is really short.

“Sorry, I won’t disturb you. Just came in to round up the trash.”

“No problem. But you better not suggest things like bathing yourself in whiskey when I’m supposed to be working.” The strain in Carson’s voice is intoxicating.

Nathan wastes no time detouring his brother. “We should get back at it. Check your email for the new idea I want to pitch to our clients. I don’t know what I’ll do if they don’t like this concept.”

I’m bummed their attention returns to their computers. Their attention bolsters me. Like we mesh, and I’m better when I’m around them.