Page 81 of Goddess of Mayhem

She shrugs. “So, you’ve fucked her.”

I cough, the bluntness catching me off guard. Not much gets by me and I am never usually surprised by the things that fly out of my daughter’s mouth. Malia has always been open about sex, Donovan too just not as crude and explicit. I normally shut down the uncomfortable conversations before they begin.

Malia likes to take people’s unease and twist it until they are cringing. Call it a quirk she has that even sets me off sometimes.

“Jesus Christ, Malia,” I grumble, running a hand down my face.

“She’s like my age,” Malia says in almost pride. “Damn, Daddy, you’re a daddy.”

My head snaps back at the term and I can feel the look of horror on my face as she stares at me in amusement. She is fucking with me.

I shake my head, not about to acknowledge the nonsense she is speaking. “She works… worked at Insatiable, she got caught in the rubble and now she’s here.”

Malia hums. “I’m not calling her mommy,” she deadpans before turning on her heel and walking away.

I stare at her in disbelief as she disappears down the hallway trying to wrap my head around what just happened. It was most likely a test to see if I would tell her anything, not that there is much to tell as of yet. So long as Malia makes it her mission to fill me with dreadful conversations and not Chantelle, I can deal with it.

No matter how uncomfortable.

I groan then stalk back into the room. Chantelle is sitting up in the bed and Delaney is listening to her lungs. Her being able to sit up is a good sign and means she should bounce back quickly.

Delaney removes the stethoscope from her ears and wraps it around her neck. She gives Chantelle a tight smile, bordering friendly and strained. Perhaps there is a way to break through that obnoxious cheery bedside manner.

“You’ll be okay, Chantelle.” Another odd smile. “You’re welcome to leave whenever.”

“You are dismissed, Delaney,” I interrupt.

Both women turn to me, Delaney’s mouth hangs agape in confusion and Chantelle’s face is tight with irritation. Perfect, just the way I like her.

I raise an eyebrow at Delaney when she makes no move to leave the room. She gets the hint and clears her throat.

“Right,” she says, this smile a little more forced than the others. “Call if you need anything else.”

She shuffles out of the room in a hurry, and I watch her leave, turning back to Chantelle when I can no longer hear Delaney’s footsteps.

I smile when she pins me with a glare. “Where the fuck did you bring me, Nate?” she snaps, waving her hand around.

I shrug. “My home, of course.”

She scoffs. “What do you mean ‘of course?’” Her head shakes in disbelief. “Nate, your wife lives here. I can’t be here—”

I close the distance between us, Chantelle’s legs spread naturally allowing me to step in-between them then I lean into her. My hands flat on the bed at her sides.

“Don’t worry aboutmy wife, Little Bird,” I warn. “Stop creating a man that I am not without knowing the truth of who the fuck I am. When the time is right I will tell you anything you want to know, but until you stop making me into whatever you’re conjuring up in your mind then I won’t tell you shit.”

Chantelle rolls her eyes, setting her gaze on the door like she is about to run out of it. “I need to go home.”

I tilt my head, knowing this is going to be a fight but welcoming it anyway. “You can’t.”

Her head snaps back to me, jade eyes round. “I very wellcanand you’re going to take me,” she demands.

I smile. “No, darling, I’m not.” Her hands flatten on my chest, and she shoves me away. I stand without moving and that only seems to fuel her fire. “You’re in danger and for as long as that’s a reality then you will stay here. Fight me all you want, Little Bird. I like when you do.”

I step back and she groans her protest. The events from the night no longer plaguing her. She’s wide awake and ready to fight me despite everything.

“You can’t fucking keep me here,Omen,” she spits. “This is kidnapping! I wouldn’t be in danger if you’d had left me fucking alone!”

I shrug. “But I didn’t, and this is what’s happening.” My knuckle flicks her chin to raise it and she just grinds her teeth. I chuckle to myself. “So, you can come with me willingly to my bedroom where you can shower, or I can carry you through the halls over my shoulder.”