Page 79 of Goddess of Mayhem

“I love you, big brother,” she whispers.

I hold her for a few minutes, our time together too short and filled with so much animosity during this visit. Our Christmas was lackluster with a few gifts and more cocoa, then she was with Bastian while I sat stewing by myself.

“I love you too, Xana,” I say, holding her tighter. “I’m so sorry.”

AFTER XANA AND I said our goodbyes, I took a quick shower. Cleaning that blood off me with a washcloth and towel at the mansion only did so much when it’s stained into your soul. The blood may have been transferred from Malia, but I’m the one that ended that man’s life.

Exhaustion is beginning to take over and I’m not sure how I’m going to manage a whole trip without zonking out.

I climb into my car, watching Xana and Bastian drive off through my mirrors and start the engine, taking off in the direction of where I’m supposed to meet the middleman.

When I pull into the meeting spot and see a familiar red Corvette in the parking lot, either my surprise meter has run out fucks to give or I’m mentally too drained to care.

Oren Ramos steps out of his car and I do the same when I park. There’s a hint of regret on his face and I have half a mind to punch him in it, however that’d take energy I don’t have. I should’ve known the only person I thought was a friend who betrayed me like Malia had.

We’ve been friends, or so I thought, for years. This rings true to some of the things that The Omen has said to me.

He’s been fucking with my life forever.

Thirty One


WHILEIWASWITHLiam in the cemetery I got the call from Breckin I had been waiting for. He found Chantelle pulled from the rubble, injured but alive, and bringing her here. I called Delaney immediately to come and take care of her.

There is still the problem of convincing Malia to willingly go to North Carolina, but I do not expect her to give me too much trouble. She used to love that old hunting cabin and it will do everyone good for her and Liam to work out their issues.

It is almost time for me to hand the business over to her, however I need her mind in the right spot. If the Martinez situation comes to an end and Liam and Malia make their peace all is well to move forward.

This is the hopeful outcome at least.

I’m now standing in the infirmary awaiting both Dr. Delaney and Breckin to show up and Malia comes out of one of the rooms.

“What are you doing?” she asks, raising a suspicious eyebrow at me. Her shirt is slightly raised and there is a new bandage on her wound, she must have cleaned herself up.

“Do you need new stitches? Delaney will be here shortly.” I do not believe she would have been bleeding through her shirt that much if she had not torn her stitches.

Knowing my daughter, I would not be surprised if she did it herself.

She scoffs. “Fuck, no. I don’t want your groupie poking at my body anymore.”

Malia never has cared for Delaney, and I have a feeling she will do what she can to get rid of her once she steps into leadership. I admit that I have used the woman’s crush on me to my advantage over the years and her cheery disposition can become tiresome in the most stressful of situations.

I line her pockets and allow her to ogle me. Seems easy enough for now, until she finds out Tawny is gone and sees that as a time to make her move.

“I’m sending you and Liam away.” It is blunt but it needs to be said.

I do not know how long it will be before Liam gets back and I need them rested and moved. Plus, I do not know the condition I will receive my Little Bird in, and I want my attention with her, not arguing with my stubborn daughter.

“Fuck you, Dad,” she spits, and I sigh.

Malia goes to walk by me, and I grab her arm. She spins to face me, narrowing those eyes that match mine.

“I need you to protect Liam.” Her anger dissolves slightly as I knew it would. I should feel bad for using her feelings against her, in a way I do. “We don’t know if that bomb was placed there for you or Liam, so do what you’ve been tasked to do and protect him.”

Her lips purse, the argument ready to come. Breckin rushes down the hall with Chantelle in his arms and I point to the room Malia had not been in, directing him there. The look on Malia’s face turns from hard to confused.

“Don’t pack anything, the cabin is being prepared. I’ll have clothes there for you before you get there.”