Page 75 of Goddess of Mayhem

“Malia has been hurt by every person who has loved her.” He places his hands inside his front pockets. “Me included.”

My eyebrows furrow in surprise. I’m not sure of the dynamic between Malia and her father, but from the way they both act towards each other I thought they were close. It’s hard for me to imagine her forgiving anyone for going against her.

We both have a problem with grudges apparently.

He sighs and turns back to face me. “Malia wants nothing more in this world than to take over my empire.”

I’d say I’m surprised, but I’m not. I’ve seen the power and confidence she exudes. The way she commands a room without trying. Malia is older than Donovan which would make her the heir naturally.

“What’s your point?” I’m done running around in circles. I got little sleep in Malia’s bed and the last thing I want to do is have bullshit conversations.

She’s alive and I just want to go home at this point.

“I think you’ve given her something to want more than that.”

I know the feeling. Trading one obsession for the other. It seems Malia and I aren’t that different after all.

“She would likely cut out her own tongue before admitting that though.” He chuckles to himself, and I wish he would just get to the point.

I run my hand down my face and blow out a long breath. “As much fun as this has been, I need to go.”

He nods. “Malia would leave if she thought it was to protect you.”

I smirk. “Are you asking me to lie to your daughter some more?”

All the tension The Omen has suppressed in the last few minutes comes rushing back as he bows his head. “I’m asking you to protect her while I get a leg up on the situation, Liam. She was born to be a leader, conditioned to take over.” He sighs, running his hand once again through his curls. “Malia will insert herself in my war against Martinez and I can’t risk losing her. She is the future of my empire, and this ismyfight. Do you understand?”

No, I don’t understand anything. This man gives me half-truths with so much left out, but I’m too exhausted to care. It’s not just his fight, Martinez killed my parents. He almost took Malia away from me, he still could.

“I think you’ve forgotten it’s just as much mine as yours.”

His head snaps up and he smiles at my response. “Then protect your girl, Brenner, and when Martinez is in my grasp I will hand him over to you to disembowel. Do you agree?”

That manipulating motherfucker.

I sigh because this is exactly what I wanted; I had just hoped that I would be the one doing the manipulating not him. Whatever, the goal is the same.


“Go home and get Xana somewhere safe.” The fact he knows my sister is visiting from college twists in my stomach. I don’t like that he’s watching her. “Do not pack anything, if someone is watching you it will look suspicious.”

I nod once. “I want someone to guard my sister until this is over.”

“Of course,” The Omen agrees. “Write down your size in clothing and shoes and we will have new clothes sent to the location I will be sending you. I need you to act put off by this, Liam.”

Iamput off by this is what I want to say but swallow it down.

He continues, “Anything we’ve discussed stays between us. The less Malia knows, the less likely she is to go on a rampage.”

I snort. “You make her sound like a toddler.”

“Malia will destroy herself by taking down people who threaten those she loves. What is the saying by Shakespeare?Though she be but little, she is fierce.My daughter is the embodiment of wrath and will wreak carnage on the world if she loves you and thinks you’re being threatened,” he says with pride in his eyes.

“I don’t think that’s what he meant.”

He chuckles. “Tomaytoes, tomahtoes.”

The Omen goes through the rest of his plan and expectations from me for the next hour. My teeth grind together with every order he gives me, biting back the urge to tell him that I don’t fucking work for him.