Page 63 of Goddess of Mayhem

Annoying bitch.

Dad chuckles. “I think she’s fine Delaney. Give us a minute if that’s all for now.”

The doctor nods and walks out of the room. I try to replay the events from tonight and it’s all a blur. I remember yelling at Breckin before everything went black but there’s something tugging at my memory that I can’t place.

“Are you alright?” My dad asks as he sits on the side of my bed. He wanted Delaney to leave so he could let his mask fall. I can see every ounce of worry on his face.

“I’m fine,” I shrug. “A little pain but nothing I can’t handle.”

He hums. “Delaney gave you a little pain medication.” I pin him with a glare, and he snorts. “Not much, I know how you feel about not having control of your body. You needed something while she stitched you.”

I give him a tight smile. “Just throw some duct tape on it and call it a day.”

This time he glares at me. “You lost a lot of blood. Play badass to someone else, Malia, I wasn’t going to watch you in pain but kept your wishes in mind.” He sighs running a hand down his face then stands. “What do you remember?”

I shake my head and immediately regret it when it starts to throb. I rub my temples to try to ease the pain.

“Not much, only arguing with Breckin.” Then it hits me and my body jolts forward, legs swinging over the side of the bed to stand. My dad rushes to push me back despite me fighting him. “Daddy, Liam.” His eyes round and the panic starts to set in. “He was at the club.”

“He’s fine,” Donovan grunts as he walks into the room. He’s covered in blood, likely from getting rid of that body earlier. I don’t know if he came back and was at the club when it blew or not.

Dad and I look at him like he’s lost his mind. He plops down into a chair by the door and rests his head back. He closes his eyes as if he might just go to sleep instead of elaborating. I’m going to strangle him.

“You weren’t at the club, Donnie,” Dad grumbles. Guess that answers that question then. “So, explain to me how you would know if Liam is ‘fine?’”

Donovan rolls his head to look at Dad, he had dark circles under his eyes and looks exhausted. He smiles. “Because he’s at the gate throwing a fit demanding to see The Omen.”

Dad sighs a breath of relief and then curses under his breath. “And no one was going to tell me?”

My brother shrugs. “Just did. Figured he’d fuck off after a while, I knew you’d want to be with Mal.”

“Send him to my office and I’ll meet him there,” Dad orders. I stay silent, I’m flooded with relief that the asshole didn’t get blown to bits tonight but that still leaves him to continue being a pain in my ass.

Donovan groans his protest and Dad stomps over slapping him on the side of the head. I giggle when he jumps up and stalks out of the room. Sometimes I’m not the biggest brat in a room.

Dad walks back over to me and looks no less exhausted as Donovan did. I look up at him and he gives me a sad smile.

“You’ve been mad at me and I could have lost you tonight, baby girl,” Dad rasps, his tone playing the strings on my guilt like a fiddle. He reaches out and brushes more hair out of my face. “I’m sorry for everything I’m keeping from you.”

He doesn’t let me answer just turns on his heel and walks out of the room to go speak with Liam. I let out a long breath of air glad that he’s alive.

I’ll never be able to make sense of that man.

Twenty Five


AFTERILEFTTHEprivate room I went to my car. My heart and my mind warring whether I should apologize to her or not. I hate being a dick to her but I’m still so pissed about what happened. I was thinking about the moment she admitted being jealous of Mona and that’s when it happened.

A majority of Insatiable exploded while the other parts erupted into an inferno. There was accelerator used for how fast that building went up. Whoever bombed that building didn’t want any survivors.

My mind went straight to Malia when I saw the blast. She left the room after she punched me, but did she leave the club? With that thought I bolted from my car, people were screaming, and blood was everywhere. The club had been packed with people and a majority of them were most likely drunk. It was a bloodbath.

The cop inside of me wanted to go around and help, but I had a one-track mind—find Malia. I had scrambled around the building looking at everyone both dead and alive but found nothing.

Insatiable was her father’s club. If anyone would know something he would be the first in contact. While running back to my car I had looked for hers but that meant nothing. She was with people while she was here, so it was likely she possibly didn’t drive.

It gave me slight hope that maybe she’s at home. Where exactly her real home is, I’m not sure. I hopped in my GT and gunned it out of there toward The Omen Mansion.