Page 61 of Goddess of Mayhem

Liam picks up his pace with his fingers, using his free hand to get tangled in my hair. He pushes my head down, folding me in half as my head reaches the cushion. With my legs spread and my ass in the air, I can see him standing behind me.

He untangles his hand and unzips his jeans; I can see his cock when he frees it. It’s angry and throbbing, much like the man it’s attached to. I moan loudly when he curls his fingers and massages my G-spot. He strokes himself a few times, working me up and yanks out of my pussy when my body begins to stiffen.

Liam lines the tip of his cock to my entrance and braces me by the hips.

“Whose are you, Malia?”

“Yours,” I breathe out desperately. “Always yours.”

“Good girl,” is all I hear before he slams his hips forward, filling me up.

We both moan at the connection, but he wastes no time letting me adjust to his size and him the feel before he pulls out to the tip and snaps inward again.

Once again, Liam fucks me ruthlessly. Once again, I’m denied seeing him. And once he adds pressure to my lower back, making me bow as I’m already folded, he drives deeper and none of it matters. My body writhes and shakes, noiseless screams leave my throat, drool soaks the cushion as he punishes my pussy until I’m seeing stars.

He's angrily saying things every time his hips punch forward, but I can’t make sense of any of it.

Liam’s cock is like a short circuit to my brain and as my orgasm barrels through my body, making him fuck me harder than he already was, I can make out the words:liar, mine, love,andhate—the context, however, is lost.

His thrusts become erratic as he draws closer to his release. Another orgasm builds at the base of my spine and I pray to a god I don’t believe in that I’ll reach that precipice before he finishes. A long moan escapes me when his hand reaches around, and he circles my clit.

“One more time for me, baby,” he grits through clenched teeth. “We go together.”


The endearment and encouragement throws me into the black abyss of euphoria while I come undone one last time. He curses from behind me and comes on a roar, jerking forward so he’s as deep as possible while he fills me up.

When his thrusts slow and he softens, Liam pulls out and grabs onto my hips, pulling me with him as we both crash to the floor. He catches my fall with his body and wraps his arms around me, keeping my back flushed to his chest.

He holds me like he doesn’t want to let me go. We don’t speak and I don’t move, afraid he will realize what’s happening and walk away from me… once again.

I’M UNSURE HOW LONG we lie on the floor, my body stiff from the rough sex and hard surface we’re on. Neither of us has spoken, I’ve not moved to even try to make myself comfortable. But in a way it is exactly that… comfortable in his arms.

Liam’s silent thoughts are loud, and I don’t far to ask where his head is at. I can feel the hesitation in the hard ridges of his body. There’s confusion and still anger bubbling under the surface. This moment feels like we’re equally relishing in each other and trying to become invisible to avoid the elephant in the room.

Our fucked-up feelings for each other. How we continue to push and pull the other, not willing to give in or give up.

I’ve never been more exhausted and at peace at the same time in my life.

I thought I knew what chaos was. Liam once said I was like a storm that came into his life that night we met. But he was no more different in my own. What remains unknown is whether our chaotic energies will crash and burn, destroying each other in the explosion of our ire and resentment, or if they’ll collide and fuse, becoming something greater that will make us unbreakable.

Liam’s arms loosen and he shifts out from under me to stand. He looks down at me for a short moment, his hand twitching at his side as if he’s unsure to help me to my feet or not. It doesn’t take long for his decision to be made.

“I’ll go find you clothes,” he says while buttoning his pants, then walks out of the room, leaving me on the floor.

I stand while he goes to disappear on me once again, not expecting him to return. He’s made a habit of running out on me. I have no qualms about people seeing me naked… clearly. So, I walk to the door and as I touch the knob, Liam opens it holding clothes in his hands.

He cocks an eyebrow before they furrow in anger then he’s shoving me back inside the room, slamming the door behind him.

“The fuck do you think you’re doing?” he hissed while bending down getting in my face.

I laugh and he sneers. “Forgive me for not thinking you’d be back. I was going to get my fucking clothes.”

Liam grabs my face which pisses me off. It’s one thing when we’re angry and taking that rage out on each other but it’s a whole different thing when he’s getting shitty for expecting something that’s done more than once.

“You have a problem with listening, you know that?” he growls, pinching my jaw tighter.

I push off of him and he lets me go by dropping his hand at his side. “I have a problem with authority, Officer.” Grabbing the clothes out his hands, I turn and work to get dressed. “Unless you’re dicking me down, you don’t get to tell me what to do.” My head cants when I fully face him. “I bow to no one.”