Page 5 of Goddess of Mayhem

“Of course, it’s about torture.” She rolls her eyes, and we both burst into laughter.

Akila and I talk amongst ourselves, and I let her in on some memories I have of Lion that don’t involve the gruesome part of our lives. It’s an odd thing, sitting here gossiping like I know what it’s like to have someone to call a friend and bullshit with—a sort of comradery.

The closest person I have to something like this—something so normal—is Lion, and a lot of that still involves our lives in the underground. If this woman can make Lion Castello, of all people, fall in love with her, then she’s worth being protected.

I smile to myself, finding comfort in knowing that he’s found someone. That, maybe, we aren’t all doomed to a life of evil and bloodshed.

“So, this ball. What’s it for?” Akila asks. The innocence in her hazel eyes as she tilts her head in genuine curiosity is almost adorable.

I hesitate to tell her the real reason. I’m not sure what Lion wants her to know about our world, if anything. She’s strong, but that innocence tells me that her father hid her from this part of his life.

Deciding that she can handle the truth, and will probably find out when we get there anyway, I answer honestly. To hell with Lion’s wrath if he didn’t want her to know yet.

“My hand,” I clip, not wanting to go into further detail about these fucked-up traditions.

Akila’s head snaps back. “I’m sorry, I think you just said we’re going to your engagement party. I didn’t even know you were with someone considering how you eye-fuck Marco.”

I belt out a laugh at that. I’ve never been one for discretion, but I haven’t exactly been throwing myself into anyone’s lap either. With the topic brought up, I almost want to ask her about sleeping with Marco and Lion’s blowup this morning, but I keep my mouth shut for once.

“It’s a vying ball, not an engagement party,” I correct. “Top contender gets me as a prize. At least, that’s what they think.”

“They actually do that shit?” She gapes at me. “How do you feel about that? Don’t you have a choice? I have so many questions.”

“The underground world has a lot of fucked-up traditions that I don’t care to get into.” I sigh and look out the window. “Besides, I would rather take a shot of arsenic than talk to you about what you like to call ‘feelings.’ For people like Lion and me, feelings will get you killed. It’s best to keep them to yourself.”

Akila gives me a tight smile and nods her head in understanding. “Lion hasn’t told me much about you, aside from the fact that you spent a lot of your childhood with them. He also told me that your fathers were like brothers growing up as well.”

I nod. “The Castellos are a big part of our family. Well, at least for my dad and me. If you can look past the darker side of their lives, they’re good people to those they love and care about.”

“Everyone is worried about you, Malia, and I guess now I understand a little bit more as to why that is.”

I hum. “Are you not worried about me, Akila?”

“No.” She tilts her head to the side. “For the small amount of time I’ve known you, you’ve exhibited the strength and power I imagine a woman in this life should have. I can tell you’ve been through a lot, Malia. Someone doesn’t become that way from an easy life.”

I smile and look down at my hands, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the conversation we’re having. “And you’ve been through a lot?” I ask.

Akila returns to gazing out of the window as the vehicle turns down a new street. “I’ve been through enough.” She looks back at me and smiles. “I know you can handle whatever fight you’re going through, and you have a lot of people on your side to support you. But everyone has a breaking point, and I think that’s where Lion’s concern comes in. You’re important to him.”

I shift in my seat, suddenly feeling suffocated. Clearing my throat, I smile back at her. “So are you, even if he acts like a jackass sometimes.” We laugh at that, but I know how true it is. We both can be cruel. “Lion and I aren’t taught to have feelings; we’re trained to suppress them. Be patient. I think you’re good for him. He’s a powerful man, and you have him wrapped around your tiny finger. Lion sees something worthy in you.”

Akila fidgets with her hair, clearly becoming as uncomfortable with this heart-to-heart talk as I am. “Thanks.”

We finally arrive at the dress shop and file out of the car. I brush past Emilio while he sweeps the street instead of being patient until he’s done. I’m not the one being guarded, so I’m not hanging back to wait on precautionary tactics.

When I reach the shop’s door, I feel someone close to me. Turning around, I come face-to-face with Akila and see a begrudged Emilio in the background.

I smile and open the door. “Breaking the rules already?” I giggle. “I knew I liked you.”



AFTEROURDRESSSHOPPING,Akila and I go back to the penthouse to get ready for some dancing at Lion’s club, The Lion’s Den. Like my dad, the Castellos own multiple businesses throughout New York. This building alone holds multiple of them, including his club on the first floor. The penthouse occupies the top floor, and different business ventures are housed on the floors in between the two that cater to things Lion has his hands in.

He likes to keep his dealings close so he has easier access. I imagine that traffic in New York, as we dealt with trying to go dress shopping, doesn’t just disappear for a mob boss. Maybe I should talk him into putting some shops in the building too. Save us all the headache. I’ll take D.C. traffic over New York any day of the week, even though they’re both disastrous.

A knock sounds on the bedroom door I’ve been staying in since being here—Akila’s room, Lion had called it. I guess this was where she was staying before they got together, even though they’re still playing non-couple and denying heavy feelings.