Page 43 of Goddess of Mayhem

Joey and Liam laugh next to me, and Malia narrows her eyes at her little brother. She opens her mouth to speak but then closes it.

“Donnie don’t say that. Malia, apologize.” I try to rub the tension behind my eyes, getting shoved to the side as a small body pushes past me.

Malia takes off in the opposite direction. “Bye!” I hear her call out as she disappears around a corner. Liam straightens and follows behind her, forgetting that she was ready to end his life two minutes ago.

“Jesus Christ,” I mumble, watching Donovan try to keep up with the older kids.

Joey throws his arm around my shoulder, still trying to contain his laughter. “Mark my words, Nate.” He points in the direction our kids ran off. “Those two are going to marry one day.”

I look at my friend as he smiles at me. I snort. “I feel for that kid.”

“She’s just like you.”


Memories assault my mind after seeing Liam. The man looks just like his father with his mother’s sun-kissed skin. I stand in more usual spot, tucked away in my office and staring out of my window.

I take a sip of my whiskey when I feel Lion’s presence fill the room.

“I was wondering when you were going to come see me,” I say, taking another sip before turning around.

There are many people who have helped me raise Malia, many who have fought to keep her out of Tawny’s clutches. And the one I’m most thankful for is Lion. Even though he is a year younger than Malia, his fierceness for her is unmatched.

Lion stares at me with eyes he had gotten from his grandfather. The man who took me in when my father beat me. The one who made it possible for me to live as much of a normal childhood as I could. Antonio was the reason I was able to play baseball in the first place. He threatened my father, and the Olin name was not as prominent with power as it is now.

I see so much of Antonio in Lion. The way that man fought for me when I was younger makes me thankful Lion is the same for my daughter, and she for him. When Elijah told me Saria was pregnant I imagined our children close but not to the extent they are. Blood could not make them closer.

“I’m sorry I didn’t warn you, Uncle,” he says, leaning against my desk and crossing his ankles. “I knew you had a past with Alya from research, but I didn’t realize the importance until I saw the look on your face when you saw Akila.”

I nod. “Has your father told you the story?”

He sighs. “He didn’t have to. I know enough about your past and the bits and pieces I’ve gotten lately I figured it out. I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable, I—”

I raise my hand to stop him. “I was caught off guard, Lion, nothing more. It takes a lot to get one over on me like that, but it’s fine, there’s nothing for you to apologize for.”

I walk over to my desk and pull down an empty glass to pour Lion a drink. I hand it to him, and he takes it.

“She’s beautiful.” I smile, rounding my desk to stand next to him. “Is it serious?”

I watch in amusement as his brows furrow, the look of both horror and admiration war on his face. I take a sip to keep myself from laughing at his unease. Not much catches him off guard either, bring feelings into the mix and both him and Malia run the opposite way.

Lion throws back his drink and clears his throat. “Mal is spiraling.” His eyes drop the floor. “That fucker has her head fucked up,” he growls.

I do not miss the way he avoided my question, more serious than he wants to admit then. “I imagine that’s partly my fault. I didn’t expect them to connect in that way. I made a promise to his father, Lion.”

Lion blows out his cheeks and shakes his head. “I can’t lie to Malia, Uncle Nate.”

His eyes plead with me, but I don’t expect anyone to understand everything I’m doing. And I don’t get a thrill out of the ones suffering. In the end it will be worth it, but the road there is going to be hell.

“I’m not asking you to lie for me, my boy,” I say with a sigh. My vision volleys on the floor while I try to think of the best way to say this. “If something happened to Akila or was threatening her, what would you do?”

His head snaps up and he narrows his eyes. I raise my hand, signaling for him to wait a moment and let me continue before he takes my words as a threat and not an actual question.

“Somewhere along the way Malia fell in love with Liam.” He nods in agreement. “The man who killed Liam’s parents kidnapped, raped, and tortured his mother left her for his father to find. She died in his arms and Martinez took advantage of the situation and killed Joseph. If Malia knew that Liam was possibly a target now, how would she react?”

“Fuck,” he says wiping a hand down his face.

“Martinez isn’t powerful, but he’s good at hiding.” I finish my drink, needing to clear my throat as it becomes thick with emotion. “Since his name started resurfacing I can’t help but picture Malia in Nadya’s place.”