Page 15 of Goddess of Mayhem

It’s about whether you let it swallow you whole or not, and despite my strengths, I’m succumbing to my demons. I’m by no means a good person—morally corrupt—but even when shit gets bad for me, I still have him.

I will always have Lion at my back to keep my head up.

“You’re losing yourself,” he says with a sigh. “I want you to remember who the fuck you are, Mal. They don’t get to win. Castellos don’t lose. And I’ll always be there to make sure you don’t stumble, especially not over the likes of that fucking cop and your piece of shit mother. Take life by the balls and do what you do best.” Lion’s smile changes into something devious. “Shank that motherfucker.”

“I would never let a man bring me to my knees, Lion.” I look up and give him a tight smile, tears threatening to spill over my cheeks. “Yeah, the whole thing with Liam fucking sucked, but it’s mostly my dad. Secrets mean there’s no trust, and when it’s the most important person to you that is keeping them, it hurts like a bitch.”

Lion sighs and raps his desk a few times with his knuckles. “Uncle Nate does things to make sure you’re protected, Mal.” He tilts his head and smiles. “You’re not the easiest person to take care of, you know?”

I give him a tight smile and punch his arm, huffing out a laugh.

“I don’t believe he would hold anything back from you for the sake of trust or how he sees you,” he continues. “And as for the cop, if he loves you, what happened won’t matter. I know this is a lot for you, and it’s not easy for me to sit back and watch, but you can overcome this, just as you have overcome everything else.”

I nod my head in agreement. “I think this is the most disgusting conversation we’ve ever had.”

Lion scoffs and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and widening his stance. He raises an eyebrow. “Let’s be sure it doesn’t happen again, hey?”

I giggle, letting both Akila’s and Lion’s words sink in and give me the strength I need to get through this. To face everyone again.



THEBASEMENTHOLDSAheaviness that it never has before. Dark and depraved things happen down here more than I am willing to admit, but nothing has made it feel as evil as it does now.

Because ofher.

My wife.

My fucking curse.

There is satisfaction in seeing her disheveled appearance sitting on the dirty mattress that lays on the concrete floor. It has been weeks since I let her have a shower, and the smell of rotten garbage permeates through the bars. Rotten. Just like she is.

Tawny’s bare legs are pulled tight to her chest, the chill in the air making her shiver. I have denied her anything to keep warm with. Being denied basic human needs, save for food and water, is the worst torture this woman could ever endure.

“Darling,” I finally say after getting my fill of her discomfort. She slowly raises her head and narrows her ice-blue eyes on me, earning her a smirk from me. “You look like shit.”

“Don’t you dare ‘darling’ me, Nathaniel!” Tawny spits at me. Her irritation only makes my smile grow.

I have seen evil in this world, but nothing compares to the woman staring back at me. I have kept a leash on her most of our time together. I’d hoped that keeping her confined within our home would lessen the chances of that evil spreading, but not tight enough to allow her to sneak around to keep herself occupied.

“Your vying ball for Malia’s hand is set for two days’ time.” I walk closer to the cell and casually lean against the bars. “Would hate for it to continue without its hostess.”

“You are letting me out?” The hope surges through her as she lunges forward on the mattress and settles on her dirty knees, eyes widening.

“Unfortunately, I do not have the time nor the patience to deal with people’s raising suspicions at your sudden disappearance.” I sigh. “You will handle this ball, and suck off any cock pointing in your direction as you always have. Until then, you will remain here, and once it is over, you will be moved somewhere permanently until you give me what I want.”

“You almost sound jealous.” There is mirth in her tone, and perhaps some more hope than there was before. Tawny has always been eager for my attention.

I snort. “I would rather stick my dick in a meat grinder than your rancid pussy ever again,” I say, pushing off the bars to fully face her and level her with a glare. “You gave me the only thing I could ever want from you almost twenty-six years ago. Then once again twenty-five years ago. Your purpose has been fulfilled, and you should have been executed the day Donovan was born.”

Even if the stains she has left on my life are minimal compared to what she has done to our daughter. I knew there was not an ounce of good in this woman. Her selfishness to hold a title she craved so badly is unrivaled to my own. Tawny wants me, and has tried to eliminate anything standing in her way. When I could not love her more than the children she gave me, our children became her targets.

Malia Alya takes the brunt of her jealousy.

Donovan has been mostly safe because to her, he holds purpose as the future leader of The Olin Empire. But my baby girl is an obstacle that Tawny cannot overcome. A constant reminder of me never being able to love her.

“You will be released tomorrow to get what you need done to prepare for this ball, anything cosmetic to keep up appearances,” I say, retrieving the keys from my pocket, I toss them in the air and catch them. Tawny’s freedom weighs heavy in my hand, and her eyes narrow in. “Hazel will be assigned to watch over you during that time, and any time during the ball that I won’t be around.”