Page 83 of Goddess of Mayhem

Even in his sleep, Liam doesn’t let go of his demons. I see the way he fights them as his eyes move behind closed lids. When he was sleeping earlier he seemed more at peace than he does right now. It’s odd how in only a matter of hours things can change so drastically. How easily I can read him. For once in my life, I want to take someone’s pain, instead of inflicting it.

“We should go,” Liam says through a deep voice that’s still riddled with sleep.

My body tenses from the suddenness of him speaking and pain shoots throughout my side.

“Fuck,” I hiss.

Liam’s dark brows pinch together, and he turns to face me. He doesn’t ask and I don’t want him to. I push off of him in a hurry, biting back against reacting to the aches. I walk to my closet and slip into a large hoodie and toe on a pair of moto boots.

My hair is likely a mess, it always is when I wake up. The black curls stand in every direction, but I’m still too drained to care. I fluff my mop and walk toward my bathroom, using the toilet and brushing my teeth before we head out.

I left Liam lying in bed, he watched me in the closet before getting up and slipping out of the room. I glance in the mirror and take in my disheveled appearance. Like my dad, I’ve always been put together. Part of my upbringing on my mother’s behalf too. Somethings stay with us and always looking the part was what stuck from my mother.

When I learned I could use my body to get what I wanted, well, then it became a necessity. For now, I’m alive and have a goal in mind. Dressing down for one day isn’t going to be the end of the world. Perhaps my mother’s if she was around to see me step out of the room like this.

I snort.

I walk into the grand foyer having stopped in my dad’s office first and he wasn’t there. It’s possible he’s asleep or fucking his new blonde pet he brought home. Peering out the window I giggle to myself, the look on my dad’s face during our conversation about her was one for the books.

I’ll cherish that shit until the day I die.

“What’s got you all smiles?” Oren asks. I turn to face him, and his mood seems somber.

I don’t know what was said between him and Liam nor do I know how Liam found out, but I’m sure he feels no better than I did. Probably worse since they’ve been friends for so long.

“Just remembering a conversation between my dad and me,” I say with a shrug, leaning against the floor to ceiling window. “Are you alright, O?”

He blows out a long breath and runs a hand down his face. His manbun more unkempt than normal. Seems Liam has a bit of a hold on everyone in this household. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

“All will be good,” he says with a smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “Liam’s at the cemetery. Wanted to stop there before you guys took off.”

The puzzled look on Oren’s face tells me he doesn’t know why Liam would go down there. I’m guessing at some point my dad had showed him since he’s been here. Everything is a mess.

I nod and rush out the door. The freezing air biting my face the moment I step outside. I pull the hood over my head and wrap my arms around my middle as I trek the path toward the graveyard.

Liam stands with his hands in his front pockets, staring down at the two isolated tombstones. It doesn’t appear that he’s talking, but maybe this place will bring some sort of comfort to him. A connection to the parents that were ripped from him.

“I didn’t know,” I admit when I reach him. His bowed head raises, and he doesn’t answer or turn to face me.

Thirty Three


“HONEY,WE’REHOME,”Isay, nudging the creaky door open with my foot.

I brush past Liam dropping my bags on the old wooden floor. This cabin hasn’t been used in years and it isn’t the type of place I would pick to hide out. But I guess that’s the point in my Dad sending us here, no one would think otherwise.

Dad sent someone he trusted ahead of us to stock weaponry, clean, and other necessities essential for surviving off grid. No matter how much elbow grease they may have put into this place, it still reeks of neglect. The strong odor of lemons and bleach combat against the smell of aged wood and hidden dust in the log walls.

Liam follows and comes to a stop next to me then drops his bags on the couch, still barely acknowledging my presence. Our hideout is going to grow old and boring a little too quickly with his silent treatment. Without so much as a side glance he moves to walk by me, but I snap my hand out and grab his neck.

I almost forgot his reflexes were as sharp as they are, his large hand closes around my wrist and bends down almost brushing his nose against mine. Liam’s bright blue eyes burn into me as they narrow.

“Don’t think you can grab me whenever you want to, Cupcake. We’ll get along just fine if you stay the fuck away from me,” Liam says through clenched teeth. “Say what you need to say then fuck off.”

I deserve that.

To him I lied and plotted against him.