Page 71 of Goddess of Mayhem

A lump forms in my throat, the memory of Joseph dying with Nadya in his arms, replaced with Malia and Liam’s faces. Then I realize, the only thing that I can do is send them away. Hide them until it is safe again. Malia will fight like hell, but she has no choice.

“I know what to do,” I say before Elijah can speak again. “Once everything is motion, I will call on you for a meeting.”

“If that goddaughter of mine gives you any kickback, you call me immediately,” he mumbles. “I’ll send Saria to handle her.”

We both chuckle before we hang up. I stride up the steps and walk into the house. It is so calm compared to the storm inside my head. My feet lead me straight to my office and as I go to pull up Breckin’s number, I see Malia sitting on my desk.

She hops down, wincing from the wound on her side and I narrow my eyes.

“You should be resting,” I deadpan.

Malia scoffs, the amusement on her face dropping into something softer. Almost like pity. She wraps her arms around me and my heart twists in my chest, leaning her head against my chest.

“I love you, Daddy,” she whispers.

My heart squeezes and I tuck my phone in my pocket before hugging her back and giving her my full attention. This is my weakness, right here in my arms.

My firstborn.

There have been countless things we have gone head-to-head on in disagreement. My strong-willed baby girl, the natural born leader that she is always the first to call me out on my bullshit. But we hash out our problems and move on from them. We do not argue and ignore each other.

Malia running off and not speaking to me, and her losing her trust in me was decimating. I want to tell her everything, but because she is that strong-willed woman, she will become reckless to protect those she loves. I will not risk her safety.

“I love you too, baby,” I whisper back, kissing the top of her head before she steps away from me.

Twenty Eight


IPULLBACKFROMmy dad and walk back over to his desk to pour him a drink. He takes it willingly and gives me a tight smile.

“Who’s Nadya and what happened to her?” I ask.

I know it has to be Liam’s mother, it’s the only thing that makes sense. I just want to know what he’s willing to tell me.

Dad’s body tenses and his gaze drops to the floor like it will give him the answers to all of life’s mysteries. The only mysteries I want are his. I thought I knew everything there was to know about him. Now I’m not so sure.

Liam and I knew each other as children, but I don’t remember him. His dad is buried on our property, so his family aren’t just anybody. It’s only now that I’ve heard whispers of the Brenner family within our household. I’ve never been oblivious to what goes on around me, so why now is there a sudden change?

“Liam’s mother,” he rasps out. Dad meets my eyes with pained ones, then he takes another sip of his drink. “One day I will tell you everything, but I can’t right now, Malia. I’m sorry.”

I grind my teeth together, my anger once again bubbling under the surface.

“I could’ve died last night!” I bite out. “I’m too at risk to know the truth and the same goes for being in the dark. Respectfully, Daddy, fuck you.” I stomp toward him, feeling each step pulse in my wound. I let it fuel my steps instead of allowing them to falter. “You want to protect me so badly but keep information from me. How am I supposed to fight an enemy I know nothing about?”

“You won’t!” he yells, bending down in my face, all of my dad’s pent-up rage seeping through. “This isn’t your fight, Malia. It’s mine. I won’t tell you anything until I’ve handled Martinez on my own. For the last time, I won’t risk your life, and this is not up for debate. Get the fuck out!”

My head snaps back like every word he spat at me was punctuated with a slap. His face is red with anger, not an ounce of regret etched into his face as he glares down at me, waiting for me to challenge him.

I raise my chin and push my shoulders back, not backing down. We glare at each other waiting for the other to make a move. I never thought there would be a day that I would look at my dad and not see someone on my side. To look at him and see the inner-workings of an enemy building against me.

Dad’s office door bursts open and his head snaps to the side, turning his ire onto the unfortunate soul that interrupts our current standoff.

Hazel and Donovan stand at the door, both nearly panting, looking as if they just finished some major fuck session and are feeling suicidal all of a sudden. Donovan quickly takes in the feel of the room and raises an eyebrow.

“Tawny’s gone,” Hazel finally says because my brother is too busy trying to figure out what’s going on in here instead.

She shoves him forward and closes the door, both of them stepping closer to us.