Page 59 of Goddess of Mayhem

I cross my legs and make myself comfortable as she unlocks her door and walks in. Turning around just to lock us in together.

“That’s weird,” Mona mumbles to herself as she stares at her security system. I see her shrug before she turns on the light and spins around.

She takes a step, then freezes, her head shifting toward me and eyes round when she realizes I’m sitting comfortably on her couch waiting for her.

I smile. “Have a good night, little duck?” I ask, rising to my feet and slowly walking forward.

Mona feels around her body, likely for a gun but I can see the panic when she realizes she doesn’t have it. She spins to the security system’s pin pad, and I send my blade through the air before she can alert the police.

The pin pad goes black, and crashes. My smile grows as I watch her breathing pick up. She slowly turns back to face me, and I stop. Giving a dramatic yawn, signaling how much she bores me… for now.

My head cants and she swallows heavily. “You’re a horrible host, Mona.” I tsk. “And also, not a very good listener.”

“How the fuck did you get in and what the hell are you doing here?” She raises her chin, and her tone is fixed confidence, there’s a quiver that gives her away.

“It was quite easy to get in. Has anyone told you that you’re a bit cocky and trust your badge too much?” I giggle when her eyes narrow.

“What do you want?” Mona spits. “I could have my officers here within minutes.”

This makes me laugh. “How?” I shrug. “I’m willing to let you try, sounds… exciting.

She shudders and I continue walking closer. “You’re here because of Liam,” she rasps.

There’s a look that people have in their eye before they day. Like they’re searching for something in their memory to hold onto. Mona thinks I’m going to kill her. She couldn’t be more wrong, but she will wish she was.

I stop in front of her, and the fear is nearly palpable. I reach up and twirl her hair around my finger. “No, babe, I’m here for me.”

“If you lean in a little more you might be able to smell him,” Mona says, a smirk on her face. My eyes snap to hers and my rage begins to bubble. She’s scared shitless, only instead of begging she’s choosing to fuck me off more. “I can still feel him between my legs—”

“Don’t test me,” I clip, cutting her off and tilt my head again in a challenge.

She gives me a smile that’s full of white teeth and hatred. “Liam told me tonight it’s always been me. That you were a mistake—”

My head snaps forward and Mona wails as it connects to her nose. She stumbles back and mine hand reaches out gripping her by the throat as she cradles her bleeding nose and slamming her back against the wall. Her hands grip my wrists, pulling at them while she struggles for air. I reach up with my free hand and yank my dagger out of the wall and hold the tip to her chin.

She stops struggling, dark-brown eyes stare back at me wide with fear as her life bleeds from her.

“Last time I warned you, I told you I would hang you by your intestines, do you remember that?” I release my hold on her throat slightly and she gasps for air. Mona nods frantically. “You heard what I said and didn’t heed my warning?” I smirk. “You know it’s unlike me to even bother with threats, Detective.”

I let her go with a push and step back. Mona falls to the floor while holding her neck. I crouch down and her eyes lift to mine. I trace the tip of my blade down her cheek, and she scrambles back.

I sigh and sheath my knife, staying crouched at her level. I knew she had no bite to her bark, but I find I’m a little disappointed when they don’t fight back. Blood trickles down Mona’s lips from her broken nose and her eye is blackened. My aim is impeccable sometimes.

Standing at my full height, her neck cranes so she can keep an eye on me. I smile when she winces.

“You know who my father is.” She nods and tears leak down her face, mixing with blood. “Then you know I’m untouchable. Your captain would likely make you disappear himself before he would risk going against a man that fills his pockets.” She nods again. “Next time I won’t be so nice.” I step forward, reaching down to brush hair out her face. She flinches at my touch, and I giggle. “Don’t touch what’s mine again, understood?”

Mona sobs. “Y-yes!”

She’s too confident she’s going to live and that almost makes me change my mind. I war with myself while she cries on the floor at my feet. “Good.”

I raise my knee before she can react and slam my heel into her thigh, breaking through skin and sinew. She screams and I wiggle my foot to free my heel from her flesh. She chokes on spit and snot, and I finally break myself free.

Mona falls to her side and curls into a ball. I snort and saunter out of her house, slamming the door behind me.

“What were you doing at my house that night, Malia?” Liam steps closer to me and I internally curse myself for being a fucking mouthy bitch. I don’t answer as his chest becomes flush with mine and his hand snakes around the back of my neck. His thumb guides my head up, so I’m forced to look into his searing stare. “Tell me, Cupcake, why were you at my house?”

Liam smirks when my body shudders under his touch. My hands skate up his torso, gripping his shirt and pulling him closer. He stops me before we get too close, and I rise on my tiptoes to brush my lips along his ear.