Page 106 of Goddess of Mayhem

I slow even more the closer I get, biting down on my lip taking in the form of her body and nearly groan thanking whatever higher power gave me this woman. Malia spins and trains her aim on me, pulling the trigger as the trigger just ticks.

My heart is in my throat, and she just smiles at me.

She shrugs. “Out of bullets.”

I open my mouth to speak and snap it shut. She just pointed her gun at me and pulled the fucking trigger.

Malia rolls her eyes, places the weapon down and pops out her hip. “Serves you right for trying to sneak up on me.”

My head snaps back and I laugh. “I wasn’t sneaking up on you per se. I just wanted to see a goddess in her natural habitat.” I smile, all teeth and she scoffs.

“You’re too loud when you walk,” she says, walking closer to me. “If you want to be sneaky, you need to be silent, Officer.”

This time I scoff. “Let’s see you be silent when the ground is frozen and crunchy.”

Malia beams at me, accepting the challenge I didn’t mean to put down. “Come find me then.” She plants a kiss on my cheek and takes off into the woods.

For a moment I just stare at her as she crashes through the woods. I have a feeling she’s intentionally making noise to throw me off. I chuckle and then follow her in the direction she ran.

The woods fall silent, and I’m convinced she’s stopped. I tread carefully, trying not make noise, but the harder I concentrate on being quiet the more noise I make. Instead, I stop and try to listen to the sounds.

There’s barely any sunlight left for me to continue looking and I’m freezing my balls off.

I snort. “Alright, come on, let’s go back to the house,” I call out, hoping she’s close enough to just come out.

I hear nothing and stand in silence for a few minutes, looking around and straining my ears. I hear a snap of a branch and I’m thrown forward from something hitting my back. I grunt when I fall face first onto the ground.

Malia is straddling my back and her arm is hooked around my neck, pulling my head back. “Someone’s a sore loser.” She releases the choke hold and goes to stand.

My arm snaps back, catching her foot and causing her to fly backward. I crawl on top of her and smile as she laughs. It’s the most beautiful and carefree sound I’ve heard from her.

I’ve only heard her truly laugh once and I’ll never forget the way she looked while she was truly happy. Much like she is right now.

“How?” I ask.

She gives me a cocky smirk and shrugs. “You were too focused on the ground and around the trees, you never bothered to look up. I followed you the whole time.”

Of course, she did.

I snort. “Well, alright then George of the Jungle.”

She giggles and my chest swells.

My fingers brush away the hair that fell into her face and this reminds me of the time we fought in the bureau’s gym.

“I wanted to let you kiss me,” Malia says, like she’s reading my thought. “That day in the gym.”

I hum. “You can kiss me whenever you want to now, baby.” I finish off with a soft peck.

She bites her bottom lip and smiles behind it, wrapping her around my neck.

“This is my favorite,” I whisper. Malia’s brows pinch together in confusion. “When you’re carefree and giggling like there’s no care in the world.”

“Don’t like my other moods, Officer?” she quips.

“I love any mood, but this is my favorite.” I kiss her again. “Because I know this mood is rare and a gift and I’m honored you’re sharing it with me.”

Malia leans up and captures my lips in hers, moving against me in practiced passion. My tongue slips past her lips and she moans into my mouth as I swallow it down. My cock starts to harden, and I grind it against her. She arches into me., pressing closer.