Page 5 of B-Side

I did not expect him to be so direct. "I've, uh, you, um, the, you can't help but hear your music," I said. "I saw you on the Today Show when I was in the teacher's lounge."

"I can't believe you're a school nurse," he said. "And what are the chances that I run into you here?"

"Yeah, what are you even doing here?" I asked.

I lived thirty-eight minutes north of Galveston, between there and Houston.

"We went to Kemah this morning. My dad is friends with the school board superintendent over here, and he invited us. I wasn't going to come, but my mom told me I should try the mask."

"And did it work?" I asked.

"Amazingly well," he said. "Although I could almost go around without it at a place like this and no one would notice. Everybody's too busy looking at their phones to see what's going on around them."

I let out a little laugh at how untrue that statement was. People would have freaked out if they knew Alec Abramson was there.

"I'm sorry I made you waste some of your supplies just so I could come talk to you."

"It's okay. I knew it was you the whole time, so I was the one who wasted it. Plus, I don't usually recommend ignoring those inside bruises, anyway. I wouldn't risk it."

"You knew I was lying the whole time?" he asked, looking floored even though it had been completely obvious.

I smirked at him.

"You look great, Grace. Tell me about your life. Tell me what you're doing. Do you live here in Kemah?"

"League City, technically, but yeah. I went to school in Houston and then I got this job, so I moved down here."

"What about your parents?"

"They moved to Houston when I graduated from high school. My dad took over a church in Pearland. They still live there."

"Are you married?" he asked.

It was a normal question, but it caused me to experience a nervous, fluttering sensation in my core, like I was teetering on the edge of some cliff.

"I'm not married," I said. "Are you?"

I knew he was recently in a relationship with an actress from a daytime drama. I saw that on the cover of a tabloid when I was at the grocery store.

"No, I'm not," he said. "I'm not even seeing anyone."

"What about the girl from the TV show."

"That was over a year ago."

"Oh, cool. I saw where your brother got married."

"Yeah, she's a nice girl. He met her out in California."

"Nice," I said. I nodded. I started to make more small talk, but I paused, feeling awkward, like I should use the pause in our conversation to end it. Plus, I didn't know what else to say to him.