Page 14 of B-Side

"Wait, what? When? Friday?"

"Yes, then. And maybe. I don't know when. I'm going to call you soon, okay?"

He was getting onto the golf cart as he said that, and I nodded and waved at him because his parents were looking at us and I didn't know what else to do. Alec blew a kiss at me from that golf cart. In theory, blowing a kiss might be a dorky or odd thing for a guy to do. But Alec did it the correct way, if there was such a thing, and I felt so smitten that my stomach cramped. I smiled at him and shook my head as they drove away.

And then I snapped back to reality again.

I had no idea what came over me.

Alec Abramson had the power to charm me sideways.

He was physically everything I ever wanted in a man. Honestly, you could offer me any other man on this earth, and based on sheer looks alone, I would choose Alec. He was exactly what I would dream up in a man, physically.

It was too bad he had been with enough women to knock him down about ten levels on the ultimate attraction scale. The catch was that when he was right in front of me with his shiny, perfect white teeth gleaming in the sunlight, I somehow forgot that attraction scale. I forgot all about the long line of heartbroken women he left in his wake.

It was when he drove away on the golf cart that I remembered these facts again and I was able to think straight.

My heart was still beating fast from the encounter a moment later when my phone dinged.

It was a text from a number I didn't recognize.

It was Alec.


It's me. Text me back so I can make sure this is your number. Otherwise, I'm coming back over there.


If a girl gives you a fake phone number, you don't call her out on it.


I deserve a fake number from you. Thank you for not giving me one.

I started to be charmed, even from over the phone. Then I remembered that I had to be strong, and I composed a long, thought-out text. It took me a minute.


I gave you the real number, but we really can't do this. I'm sorry. I'm too distracted when I see you. I need to keep it like it was where we don't see each other. I'm so sorry. I tried to tell you that, but it was fun seeing you, and I got carried away. I'm glad I didn't give you a fake number. But please, let's not continue this. I already know that I'm susceptible to heartbreak. I'm fine, so I don't want you to feel guilty about the past. But seriously, I have to guard my heart. I think it's best if we block each other's numbers. Thank you and all the best, Alec. I mean that. It was great seeing you.

He didn't text me back.

I held my phone for a minute or two, but then I set it down, feeling mad at myself.

It was ten minutes later when I caught sight of Alec. I wasn't in my tent at the time. I had left a note with my number in case anyone needed to reach me.

I was standing at the refreshment tent, waiting for something to eat, and I noticed his dad pull up. I could see Sean Abramson in the driver's seat of a black truck. I thought it was safe to say I was the reason Alec was there, and I knew he would draw attention if he approached me here, so I discreetly left the tent and went toward the street to meet him.

Sean parked down the block, and Alec and I intersected on the sidewalk near some empty vehicles. He had put on a thin wool jacket and a beanie. It wasn't freezing out, but I figured he put it on so he would look different than he did before. He was heart-stoppingly handsome—dark eyes and dark hair with a face like an angel. We stared at each other as we walked.

"What are you doing?" I asked once we were close enough to hear each other.

He stared at me with a serious expression and stopped when we were a couple of feet from each other. He put a hand on his own chest, gripping his shirt and making a hopeful but hurting expression.

"Grace, I know you don't want to see me again. I get that. I understand. I don’t know how this happened. I thought about you recently, and then I saw you today, and when I look at you, I feel like I can't… let… go… of… you…" He was dazed and he spoke slowly, like all of this was a surprise, even to himself. "Grace. Please. I'm not asking for a second chance with you right now, I'm just asking for one lunch."

Tears rose to my eyes as I stood there staring at him. I felt a lot of emotion, but I held it in, blinking back the tears.