Page 60 of B-Side

"Does it count as third generation?" Mac asked.

"Yeah," Cody said. "Jenny and Josh, and then Alec and David, and now the babies."

"Yeah but Ozzy technically isn't a twin," Uncle Billy said. "Does it still count as third generation if it's not technically a twin's twin?"

"I don't know, probably," Cody said. "It's still Aunt Jenny, her kids, and then her grandkids."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Billy said with a shrug.

"Any word on the second one?" Mac asked.

"Not yet," Jenny answered.

She would be the first one in the room to be notified, and she had been glued to her phone and watching the door, waiting for any word.

But just then, a nurse came around the corner. She had already talked to Jenny, so she went straight to her and Sean.

"Baby number two arrived safe and sound," she said. "Did you want to hear the gender, or would you rather go back there to meet… it?"

The nurse was barely holding in the news, and Jenny said, "Tell us."

"He's a beautiful baby boy—a second boy." Everyone murmured for a second, but the nurse continued speaking. "You can come back with me and meet him now. I know Ozzy said his brothers needed to get in there first, but give us just a minute on that. We're going to get him bathed and measured and make sure Mom's comfortable."

Jenny went with the woman and the rest of us thanked her for the good news and talked amongst ourselves when they left the room.

"What if yours are twins?" Cody said, leaning over and pointing to Stevie, who was four months pregnant with David's baby.

She touched her stomach. "It's not twins," she said. "She's just one. It's one, and she's a girl. We've done five ultrasounds already."

"Ours could be twins," Alec said.

He was holding onto my hips, and it was a good thing because I physically jolted in surprise and turned in his lap to look at him when he said it.

I had just found out that I was expecting a baby only hours before. I had told Alec the news maybe twenty minutes ago in the hallway of this very hospital when we were standing there, greeting each other.

We had both just found out.

We both agreed that Ozzy's babies were being born that day, so we would save the new information and tell the family later.

I did not expect him to announce it only minutes later. That was the last thing I expected. (Although I shouldn't have been surprised, coming from my rebel husband.) I shifted and stared at him with an expression similar to playful shock.

"What did you just say?" David asked.

Alec reached out and put his hand on my stomach. "I said I just found out that I have a little Alec Junior in here," he said. "Lil' AJ is in here. I just found out like ten minutes ago."

Everyone reacted, saying twenty things to him at once.

"The Abramsons are going to have to open a new maternity ward," someone said.

"Yeah, and it's not just the Abramsons," Billy agreed. "We've got Kleins, Teagues, and Kings having babies, too."

"We seriously do need a maternity ward," David said. He looked at me. "When are you due?"

"Why, do you plan on having it built by then?" Mac asked, joking around and causing people to laugh.

"Probably nine months," I said to David. "However long it is when it's the first day you took a test."

People offered advice about calculating my due date and others congratulated us. Alec held me around my waist, not letting me go.