Page 56 of B-Side

There was an epic guitar solo happening as we kissed, but I only appreciated the end of it because I was too distracted by Alec's mouth on mine. The live electric guitar was, no doubt, being played by his brother.

It was wonderful and surreal. The whole crowd was standing around us. There were no chairs at this wedding. They naturally circled around us, closing the gaps and leaving about a ten-foot space.

David was at the back of the crowd, continuing a slow, wonderful song on his guitar.

My heart had never been so full. Different people commented different things as they moved to circle around us. A few got onto Alec for kissing me before we finished the ceremony, but they were only kidding around. Alec was never one to follow rules, anyway. Kissing me early was to be expected from him.Was it early?I wondered. I had the thought that maybe the song was the wedding and now it was over.

Just then, a guy named Jacob came forward. He was the pastor of one of the biggest churches in Galveston, and I knew we weren't done once I saw him get everyone's attention.

"Okay, so Alec told me that if we get this far, I must make it quick. We have music and snacks for everyone, after I say a few words, and then we'll let this lovely young couple go home or wherever they'd like to go on their wedding day." He gestured to us. "I've spoken with Alec extensively about this moment. They're both ready for it, and he wants me to make sure you all know how special it is to him and Grace that you all took the time to be here this morning."

They cheered, and he kissed me again. David was playing our soundtrack, and obviously, he could see us because he wailed on the guitar when Alec kissed me. It was a shockingly good moment.

Jacob laughed at us, but then he got everyone's attention again. He looked at me. "Alec sang his vows to you in a song, and he said you already said yours to him. I've talked with Alec enough to know that you both know where each other stands in this relationship and before God. So, without further ado, Alec, do you take Grace to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, honor her, comfort her, and keep her, in sickness and health, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?"

"Yes, I do," Alec said, holding onto me by my waist.

"And, do you, Grace, take Alec to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him, in sickness and health, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?"

"I definitely do," I said.

Alec ducked and kissed me when I said that and David reacted with his electric guitar.

"Oh, my gosh, Alec, could you let me get the rings on your fingers, pal?" Jacob asked, teasing Alec and causing everyone to laugh and react even more. "All right, let's get these rings on."

Ozzy lunged forward and handed Alec something. It was a ring. He put it on my finger. I already had on the diamond he gave me, but this was a diamond studded band that had been made to go with it. I watched as he slipped it on my finger.

Jacob made Alec say a short comment about the ring being a symbol of our love, and before I knew it, my brother reached out of the crowd and handed me Alec's ring.

Alec gently put out his hand, slightly wiggling the correct finger. He was amazing. Even in this moment, he was looking out for me. I grinned and slid his ring onto the correct finger.

Jacob made me repeat the same phrase to Alec, and I did it, all the while feeling like I was outside of my own body. Jacob announced that we could kiss, even though it was the fifth time this ceremony, and everyone whooped and hollered once again. David played his heart out on that guitar.

It was the rockstar-est wedding I could ever imagine, and thirty minutes ago, I had no idea it would transpire. Alec's mouth found mine, and his kiss cut through everything. It cut through the nerves and the surprise.

This whole moment was the stuff of dreams. I felt his warm mouth on mine and it was comforting. He was intentional with his kiss, letting me know he had me through all the chaos. I smiled at him as we broke away, and then I kissed him again. People yelled, and we smiled at each other.

Music began playing. It was a small live jazz band that featured Marc and Aiden, the drummer and bassist of Split Decision. They had two other people with them, but no one sang. It was all instrumental jazz.

People broke out in impromptu dance during the more upbeat songs, but the whole thing was low-key. We signed a marriage contract and then we cut a cake and hung around long enough to quickly greet everyone who came.

We told them all goodbye and took off down the path. I could not find my shoes, and I did not care. I had another pair at Alec's house. It didn't matter. In that moment, I felt like I could go barefoot for the rest of my life if I had to.

We didn't waste any time getting to Alec's truck. He ran to his side while holding onto me. It made me smile that he led me to the driver's side. It made me know he wanted to hold me close, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I scooted over to make room for him to get in, and he sat in the driver's seat before turning to stare at me.

"Did that just happen?" I said with a comically dazed stare.

He laughed. "It did happen."

Alec leaned in and kissed me, and I reached out gripping his shirt and pulling him toward me.

I kissed him and not the other way around. I opened my mouth to him and I heard him groan as he kissed me. He was still kissing me a few seconds later as he reached out and pressed the button to start his truck.

We smiled between passionate kisses, getting situated, and starting the truck. I was still leaning over and kissing him again and again as he backed out of the parking spot.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you drive," I said, breathing heavily as I pulled back. Alec slid his hand over my thigh. His palm rested there, pulling on me possessively. I curled up next to him, feeling that yearning sensation that intensified immensely thanks to the big, warm, callused hand on my inner thigh. I could not wait to get home and be with my husband.