Page 53 of B-Side

"Oh, my gosh. Seriously?"


"My parents?"


"My brother?"

"Yes, Grace. And my parents and brothers. And lots of other people. Just family, really, but it's about a hundred people."

I blinked at him. "Is this really happening?"

His smile broadened. "It really is."

"Am I marrying you today?" I asked.

"I hope so."

I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. "I am," I said. "When is it supposed to happen?"

"Now. Everyone's waiting in a little clearing down the trail."

"I think I know the clearing," I said.

"Yeah, you do."

"I love you," I said.

"I love you, too."

I bit my lip. "I'm nervous."

"No, no, it's casual. They're all just hanging out. Your parents are watching out for us to get out of the truck. Your mom will help you into your dress, and you can walk over there on your dad's arm, but don't be nervous. Just chill out and do what they tell you. I'll meet you over there in like five minutes and we'll get married and eat some brunch with our families and get out of here. The whole thing will only last an hour or two."

I stared at him, feeling stunned. "This is the best day I've ever had," I said, not breaking the stare.

Alec smiled at me. "How in the world did you wait for me?" he said. "I think about how close I was to throwing this away. I think about that window of time that needed to stay open till I met you again. What are the chances that you'd still be single, Grace? I feel like God supernaturally saved you for me."

"I think He did, too," I said, having no other way to explain my total lack of interest in anyone else.

"Thank you," he said, touching my arm. He stared at me and then he took my hand and lifted it, grinning at me before he kissed it. "Are you good?" he asked. "Is this all okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm amazing," I said. "I was wondering what was taking you so long to ask me."

He laughed. "My mom mentioned that she thought you might be the type who didn't really care what kind of wedding you have and would just as soon let other people plan it. I agreed with her, so I made it happen. I decided not to even ask you until we were about to do it."

"That's crazy. I feel crazy right now." I pinched my own forearm. "Pinch me," I said.

"We're both awake," he said. "And I'm about to marry you."

"Likemarry me, marry me?"

He nodded. "With a preacher and everything. And music."

"There's music?"

"Yeah. You'll see. It'll be fun. You're going to like it." He kissed me. "I love you. I'll see you in just a minute."