Page 47 of B-Side

Chapter 17


I woke up once during my nap and realized dazedly that I was on Alec's couch. I was wrapped in his arms, and I didn't move or even fully exit my dreamy, sleepy state. I was physically wiped out, exhausted to the point where I felt drugged.

Then I woke up again some time later.

This time, my head was resting on Alec's chest. He had traded his button-up shirt for a T-shirt when we first came in, and I had made myself at home on it. His chest was muscular and warm, and it was the most heavenly pillow I could imagine.

I felt far less dazed than I had before, but I was still groggy as I came out of what had been a deep sleep. I pulled some of my weight off of him, trying to move slowly so I wouldn’t wake him up.

"Hey, my love," Alec said, feeling me move.

"Hey," I said, picking my head up to look at him. "I was sleepy."

"I know," he said. "I was too."

"What time is it?"


"Five-thirty at night?" I said, jolting up and looking around a little.

Alec laughed, pulling me in, holding me again. I eagerly went into his arms, relaxing all of my weight onto his chest. He adjusted and held me there.

"Is it seriously five-thirty?" I asked sleepily.

"Yes," he said. "But that's not night."

"It's basically night. It's dinner time. We slept for over two hours just now. Did you sleep that whole time?"

"Almost," he said.

We were quiet for the next few seconds.

"I love you," I said sleepily.

"Come here." It was two words that technically meant that I should come to his proximity. But I was already very much in his proximity, and it was obvious that by, "Come here," he meant, "Kiss me."

I stretched upward, letting my mouth touch his. Lying there, being in Alec's arms, it was the most natural place in the world.

"I love you, too," he said after we kissed. Then he added, "Ozzy's been working on that video for the last few hours."

"What's that mean?"

"He worked on it all afternoon," Alec said. "He took it home and reworked that song, splicing audio and video from this afternoon into the other video he recorded. It's really cool, he already finished it and emailed it to me. He was asking me if he could release it on Mac's YouTube channel. I guess Mac liked it and wanted to post it."

"What did you say?"

"I haven't answered them yet. I got the video from Ozzy fifteen minutes ago, but that text about Mac posting it didn't come in until just now—right before you woke up. I haven't texted them back yet."

"Have you been up for fifteen minutes and you just stayed still because I was laying on you?"

He laughed and his chest shook. "Is that all you got out of that conversation?"

"No, definitely not. But have you been up that long?"

"Yes. I've been up for like an hour."