Page 43 of B-Side

"Alecccc?" Someone was calling his name from a distance.

"Okay, someone's looking for you," I said. "I love you, and I'll meet you in there in one minute."

"You what me?" he said.

I smiled curiously at him, not understanding.

"Say it again," he said. "About loving me."

"Oh, I do love you, you big goober. I love you, I love you, I love you," I said, having no problems with the words.

Alec pulled back, holding my hand. "You sound like you mean it."

"That's because I do mean it."

He grinned at me like he was thankful I loved him, which was insane seeing as how he was Alec Abramson and he was impossible not to love.

"Alec? Oh, hey Alec, I didn't know you were… with Grace." Jenny Abramson rounded the corner and found us standing there, still holding hands. I stepped back, but he kept a hold of my hand. His mom wasn't worried about what we were doing. She was apparently on a mission.

"Your brother was saying you wrote a few church songs, and we were all wondering if you could play one of them for us. Aunt Lucy's got that upright in there, and she just got it tuned.

"I will after lunch," Alec said.

"What is it? Amazing Grace? We need to video it to send to Pawpaw Daniel. You know he'd love that."

"I'll sing something after lunch," Alec agreed.