"Grace, you have no idea how badly I want to hear you say that. I desperately want to hear that you like me. I have been all over this earth, and I can tell you with actual certainty that no other woman compares to you. I'm so sorry that I lost your trust before, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get it back. But I am going to be so excited right now if you tell me… just please say this new stuff I learned tonight means that you like me, Grace, and that I have a shot with you."
I laughed and squatted down to his level. He was flat on his knees resting on his heels, and I sank down to a comfortable squat while smiling.
"I thought you knew you had a shot with me," I said. "You're literally the only person who ever has."
He blinked at me and then put out his hands, palms up. "I don't know what to say other than this is a gift I don't deserve, Grace."
"W-w-wait. I'm not thinking this is happily ever after, quite yet," I said, feeling suddenly scared. "I'm not saying you can officially have my heart or anything, Alec. I lov-like you and all, but I'm too scared for all that. I'm just saying you're the only guy I've everfelt likegiving my heart to, that's all." I smiled timidly as I said that, and he returned it with a thoughtful smile of his own.
We had talked a lot lately, but it was rare for us to talk about our relationship, so both of us were a little nervous.
"Fine," he said. "I'll start with that. What if I do what's right and earn your trust?" he added. "Do you think I have a shot at making you love and forgive me and trust me one day?"
I stared into his eyes. "I-I mean, yes, I guess. I don't know how else to say it other than I'm scared to death of you and this thing we're doing, and I also really like you so much and have never liked anyone else."