Page 21 of B-Side

"How manyyears?" she asked.

"No, Grace, how many men. How many men have you kissed?"

"Ever, in mywholelife?" she asked.

"Yes, y-yes. Ever in your whole life."

"How many men, or how many times?"

"How many men," he said. "How many different men."

She hesitated, and looking down she said, "Well, one, I guess."

"Is it one? Is the number one?"

The party went on around them, but Alec couldn't pay attention to anyone but Grace. She was looking anywhere but at Alec.

"Grace, look at me," he said. She glanced at him and he stared straight at her as he whispered slowly. "Am I the only man who has ever kissed your lips?"

She looked at him for several long seconds before she answered. "Yes."

Alec felt a rush of emotion that was impossible to contain. He scrunched his face, pinching his own nose as he lifted his arms and chest in a stretching pose. He stretched for a moment, letting himself react to that news before he came near her again. He brought his mouth close to her ear so he could say something to her.


"Yes? Are you okay? Is that weird? I didn't set out for it to be like that I just—" she stopped talking when he pulled back and stared at her.

"I'm fine," he said. "Don't apologize for… GraceI'mthe one who should apologize to you."

"N-nobody's apologizing," she said breathlessly.

Alec was overwhelmed by this news.How could she have gone all these years?He was happy that he was her only, but more than that, he was sad that he had hurt her so badly and left such scars. He would do whatever it took to make it up to her. He felt like it was his mission.