"I'll practice," I said. "I'll pick up on it quickly. I just need to know if you're okay waiting on me if I can't be in Seattle until the beginning of February."

"Yeah, that's why I'm still giving you the interview."

I smiled when he said that. It was honestly surreal that we were interviewing. He was just sitting there talking to me like we were friends.

"Would you be okay with putting me in touch with your other bosses?"

"Yeah, definitely," I said. "We get along really well. If I move back home, I'll probably go back to those same places to work. My bosses like me. I never call in sick or anything like that. They'll give me a good reference."

I could feel myself getting nervous and feeling like I wanted to impress him, and I made myself pause. I took another sip of my drink just to have something to do with my mouth.

"I'll have you write down their contact information before you leave. We have a short application that I'll have you fill out with your contact information also."

"I already did it," I said, nodding.

"What are your interests? What type of person would you describe yourself as?"

"Like hobbies?"


I took a deep breath. "I don’t know. I'm not sure that I know myself very well yet, to be honest. I started working while I was still in high school, and my life has pretty much been work since then. I work every day except Sunday, and most of the time, I pick up a shift on Sunday, too—whether it's cleaning or the restaurant. I was doing that to pay something off, but even after that was done, I kept working all the time. If I have to think about something I like… I love music, and I like animals, although I don't have any pets. When I'm home, I'm usually tired from work, so I just do something fun or relaxing. I read mostly, or watch TV—nothing too educational."

"How much do you read?"

"About a book a week. During the week, I read and then watch TV at night."

"Do you ever go out?"

"No. It costs too much. I have friends who do that, and they're always broke."

"You don't have to tell me, but what were you paying off? I’m curious about why you were working so hard."

"It was a medical bill. I got into a car accident when I was in high school. My parents had bad insurance coverage, and we ended up owing fifty-thousand dollars. It was hospital bills for myself and car repairs for the other guy. I had surgery and everything. Anyway, my parents weren't really concerned with my health. They hated me for wrecking the car and putting them in debt with the medical bills. I was sixteen when that happened, and I just finished paying off those bills eight months ago. They still live in Oklahoma, not too far from where I live. I paid for it, and my parents forgave me, but our relationship is… strained." I said the word while I was making a face, and he sucked air through his teeth.

"Yeah, you think so?"

"I didn't mean to get so deep," I said with a little smile. "I'm a happy person and everything. But I guess it does help if you were wondering why someone would even think about picking up her life and moving across the country. I don't have too much going on back home."

"I was wondering that a little," he said, with a sweet half-smile. "And I can tell that you're a happy person."

I shrugged. "I'm happy because your grandma told you to hire me. I think that's the coolest thing ever."

"I think you're cool for thinking that's cool," he said.

"Do you have any physical repercussions?"

"From the accident?"

He nodded.

"My calf. It's a little messed up. My leg was broken. I had to have surgery, and I have a few pins, and my calf on my left leg doesn’t look normal."

"What's not normal about it?"

"There's a chunk-looking-thing taken out of it."

"A chunk?"