Page 51 of Wildest Dream

"I don't know which hand it's supposed to go on, but…"

"The lady said either," he answered.

I turned and kissed him. I was tired from dancing, and I could taste a hint of my own sweat. Our mouths intersected in such a way that I took his lower lip into mine gently. I tasted him as well, and it made me lean into the kiss.

The moment was so perfect that my eyes stung with tears. I reached up and held the side of his face. "Isaac, I love this so much. I don't know what to say. I love this ring. I'm so happy you gave me this."

"That's not all."

"I know. The candy."

"No, I got you other jewelry, too."

"I know you did not," I said, tilting my head and making a face at him.

"I did, but it's because I wanted to, Ari. It makes me happy to think about you wearing something of mine when I'm back in Seattle."

"I can tell you that I'm pretty much never going to take this off." I stared at the ring, which was perfect and all I ever needed, even for a wedding ring.

"I got you a necklace."

"What kind of necklace?" I asked, thinking of the macramé.

He handed me another jewelry box, and I slowly unwrapped and opened it.

"Oh, my goodness, Isaac, this is not what I expected! Oh man, I'm looking good with this on my neck, snap, Isaac. What is this?"

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"What? I love it! I am pumped about this. It's heavy. It's so gorgeous." I clutched it to my chest and looked at him. "Isaac, are these things seriously mine?"

"Yes, and I'm glad you like them so much."

"I love you. I love them both! Thank you, Isaac. I don't know what to say."

He could see my excitement and he loved it. I had always been good at fastening clasps, and I made quick work of putting on the necklace.

"You don't even need help?" he asked.

"No, I've got it."

I put down the visor and checked my own neck.

I loved the style and the thickness of the chain, and I touched it with my left hand, getting both of my new pieces in the same reflection. I felt like a million bucks.

"Isaac, I love you?" I started the sentence like a statement and ended it like a question, and Isaac laughed. "Can I say that?" I continued. "Is it okay for me to say it?"

"You can say it if you feel it, but not if you have to ask."

"I wasn't having to ask how I felt. I was asking if it was too early for you."

He grinned. "No, it's not. It's not too early."

"Then I do," I said.

Isaac leveled me with the most handsome, mischievous smile I had ever seen. "Then I do, too," he said, raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, then we both do," I agreed, smiling at him and flirting with him.