Page 51 of About to Fall

This morning, I woke up at 4am and was so excited that I couldn't go back to sleep. I got my work done early and I was at Micah's by 10am so I could prepare for his arrival.

The time passed quickly, and I took my phone out of my pocket to find that I had a text from Micah.


I'll be home in fifteen minutes.

The text had come in ten minutes before, and my heart skipped a beat as I typed back to him.


I'm here!

I started running around and doing last-minute touches in the house as I waited for him. I went to use the restroom even though I didn't really have to. I checked myself in the mirror, arranging my hair and tucking my clothes just the right way. I felt like I couldn't get pretty enough to deserve him.

My heart was pounding up until the moment he arrived, and then it started going even faster when I heard the car door. I was standing at the door with it open before he even made it there.

Micah had his hands full with two bags and a guitar. I jogged out to meet him, and we smiled as we converged on the path. I popped up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, I missed you," I said.

"I missed you, too," he agreed. "You look good at my house. I like coming home to this."

"I like you coming home," I said. "Let me help you with something," I added. I started to reach for a bag, but Micah turned out of my grasp.

"I've got it," he said. "They're heavy, and I'm used to it. I'll just take them straight into my bedroom." I jogged ahead of him and held the door so he could get through.

"Can I at least take the guitar? Is it Josephine?"

"Yes, and you can take her into the living room if you don't mind. I'll take the rest of the stuff into the bedroom."

I nodded and smiled as I reached out and took the case from him. I handled it with care, not letting it bump into anything as I walked.

I was officially in love. I watched Micah as he walked toward his bedroom with his bags—two oversized duffels. He had on jeans and a t-shirt layered with a tight-fitting short sleeve shirt that I had gotten him years ago. I was smitten by his handsome good looks and I couldn't wait to get close to him.

"I bought that new!" I announced before he was out of earshot.

He turned me with a curious expression. "What?"

"Your shirt. I bought it new. I couldn't resist. It was from a store, and I took the tags off of it so you would think I picked it up used."

"You got me this like four years ago."

"I know. I bought it new at the mall and I took the tags off so you wouldn't think I had to pay full price."

Micah paused, wearing a contemplative expression. I had no idea what he was thinking. He set down his bags slowly and started walking my way. He picked up speed as he came closer to me. I barely had time to set the guitar down before he made it to me and we collided. I had to brace myself for his impact, and I laughed as he took me into his arms.

"I can put my stuff away later," he said, kissing me and setting me to my feet.

"I know, but I was kind of glad we had a second to regroup."

"Why?" He stared at my face, at my mouth.

"Because you're… seeing you… you give… I'm having all sorts of… I missed you, Micah." My eyes welled with tears as I took in the sight of his perfect face. I had been aching to see him again, and stared at him with all the love I felt.

He turned to the side, smiling as he rubbed his face and jaw.

"What?" I asked.