Page 28 of About to Fall

She had her two sisters stand at the altar with her, and Ryan and JD stood with Isaac. It was a simple ceremony, and the rehearsal the night before was mainly so that Ari's family could meet us and see the restaurant. There were about a hundred guests at the wedding, and I was a hostess since I knew all of them. I talked to Micah when he first arrived, but things were different for me with him. I was nervous around him now.

I bought him clothes, shoes, and accessories all the time. Anytime I stumbled upon something that reminded me of Micah, I bought it and saved it. I would mail packages to him or give him a haul when he was back home in Seattle. Today, though, he wasn't wearing anything I had bought him. It was a new suit, new shoes, new tie. None of it was from me, and it all looked amazing on him. It was a brown, vintage-inspired three-piece suit, and he was wearing a white shirt and a red tie.

He looked as though he had been styled by a professional, and the suit fit him like a glove. His hair was combed back and he had shaved his face. I was taken aback, honestly. Micah had money, he had good taste, and he always wore cool clothes, but this was the most dapper outfit I had ever seen him in.

I, on the other hand, was slightly self-conscious. I wore the blue dress I intended to wear. I felt like if I changed my outfit that meant I was letting the bruise control me, so I decided to wear what I wanted. I did put a Band-Aid on the underside of my arm. It hid three out of the four fingerprints, and it was not nearly as obvious. The one on the outside of my forearm wasn't a problem after a little makeup. Besides, I was always working with clothing and boxes, and a bruise here and there wasn't uncommon for me.

Everyone was so preoccupied with Isaac and his day that no one noticed it. I filled them in on the fact that Jake and I had broken up, but no one seemed surprised or concerned about it since they could tell that I was happy.

The wedding and reception were both at the same place—all in one room, actually. It was a venue that was designed for these exact occasions. The ceremony happened while the guests sat in chairs toward the front of the room. And then when it was over, we all got directed to the back of the giant room where a catering company would serve dinner.

I had been sitting with my parents in the front row. Micah sat right behind us with Birdy and the rest of my family. I turned to him once the ceremony was over and they announced that people should start moving to the reception area.

"Hey," I said, staying back with Micah even though my parents and brother took off.

"Hey," Micah said.

He was situated three or four seats over, and he walked toward me. There was a row of chairs separating us and I propped my knee on one of them so that I could get comfortable and get closer to him.

"Hey," I said again.

"That was short and sweet," he said.

"Yeah, I know," I agreed, nodding.

"Your dress is…" he looked me over and paused like he was at a loss for words. "It's my favorite color on you."

I smiled.

"I hate seeing that," he added, glancing down at my arm, only for a second.

"Claire, Aunt Tammy's leaving!" my mom said from across the room.

"Bye Aunt Tammy. Uncle Carl. I love you."

"Love you too, baby!" my aunt yelled.

I looked at Micah with a smile after I spoke to my aunt. He had been talking about my arm when we got interrupted, but I chose to forget about that.

"My dress matches your eyes," I said, going back to his previous comment.

"Yours too," he said.

I squinted at him.

We always talked about our eyes both being blue. He knew mine were not nearly as bright and striking as his, but he always told me we matched.

"I can only stay for like an hour," Micah said.

"Why?" I asked, my heart sinking.

"I'm flying back to Texas."

"I thought you were leaving in the morning," I said, my face looking as disappointed as I felt.

"My manager texted me this morning. He changed my flight to tonight. He didn't want to cut it too close since I have a show tomorrow night."

"Wow, I didn't… I knew you were… I didn't expect you to say you only had an hour. It's only six o'clock. I thought we'd get to hang out all night."