Page 13 of About to Fall

He was talking the whole time he moved. "What? Why in the world would you leave this out—I can't believe this thing was just sitting out here while I—I had no idea you had this with you." He laid it on the bed between himself and Claire, opening it in one movement.

"Oh, Claire, it's—"

"He said it has new strings, and he sent a pack of extra ones, I think."

"My, wha—this was—three hundred?"

"Yes. Did I get a good deal? He told me it was a really good deal."

"I'm sure it is, if he told you that. It feels really good." Logan strummed the guitar as soon as he set it on his lap. It was a nice-sounding guitar with low, warm tones.

His heart was so full of gratefulness that it ached. It was nicer than his original guitar. He cleared his throat, and when he did, he took his hand off of the guitar to cover his mouth. He glanced at Claire and was about to thank her but he noticed her expression.

She stared blankly at the front of the guitar. "I can't believe you can play like that," she said. "That's so beautiful."

He let out a little laugh. "Thank you," he said, seeing that she was serious.

"What was it? What song?"

"It was just some notes. I was just trying out the guitar. I really like it, Claire, thank you, I don't know what to say."

As he spoke, he gently turned a tuning peg and plucked a string until it came into tune.

"Was it a good deal?"

"Yes," he said, strumming it. "I love the color, too. Matte black."

He continued playing as he looked down at it. It was a world away from the one he was using before. He had to hold back tears as he strummed quietly.

"I liked it too. I was so happy when he told me it was the one for sale. He had a whole wall of them, and it was one of my favorites, just looks-wise. Logan. My goodness. You're amazing. What song is that you're playing now?"

"It's the melody of one I wrote recently."

"My grandma told me you were good, but seriously, Logan. You should go on America's Got Talent or something."

"You didn't hear me sing."

"You don't have to sing to go on that show. You could just play guitar. But sing. Please sing. I'd love to hear it. Does that song have lyrics?"

"Yes." Claire widened her eyes and tucked her chin, staring at him like she was expecting to hear him bust out in song any second.

Logan played Madeline.

I saw her then from across the way.

Said one thing, and she hit the brakes.

I'll tell her how I really feel, one of these days.

Lately, I can't get her off my mind.

I wonder if he's treating her kind.

To only hold her one more time.

And hear her say my name.
