“Where do you think you’re going?” Dolly screeches from her open dressing room door and I sigh.
“We were so close. So damn close,” I mutter. I stop walking and turn to face Dollzilla. She is fuming and holding her phone out as if she’s videoing.
"Girl, I must know what push up bra you are wearing?" Dolly asks a little too loudly. Memphis comes out of another room and I blush, glancing his way before meeting her eyes and whispering, "I'm actually not wearing a bra."
His eyebrows jump at that and Dolly scoffs, "Fine, keep your secrets."
I roll my eyes and don’t bother fighting her. “I’m not feeling the best. Can I take tonight off? I’d really like some girl time with Gem,” I ask Memphis, and he pushes Dolly out of the way coming closer to me.
“Of course, shortcake. Not sure Gem mentioned, but we got you a doctor appointment for the morning. I’ll come get you and we can grab some breakfast.” My palms sweat and my heart races. No, he can’t come with me. Dolly walks up and grabs my wrist, pressing on the sore skin.
“What the fuck is this?” she growls, grabbing Memphis' wrist. He sighs and pulls her hand off me.
“Cara and I got tattoos. Is that a problem?” he growls back at her and she gulps, before batting her eyelashes.
“No, of course not. I was just wondering darlin’.”
I roll my eyes again and Memphis nudges his head in Gem’s direction. I slowly back away while Dolly is distracted and blow him a kiss.
I make it outside, and I’m thankful no paparazzi are around. After what went down tonight I know things are about to change. I never wanted to be in the spotlight. I had enough of that thanks to Penny and the Kippa Girls.
I still don’t know what I did wrong. I doubt I ever will. I just wish I knew why Jase and East swapped that night. Was I so disgusting that Jase couldn’t go through with it, he had to tap out and grab his twin? I should have just given Connor or Lay my virginity, then maybe none of this would have ever happened.Yeah, but then you might not have Jelly Bean.I bite my lip and try not to cry at that thought. Even though I never wanted to be a teenage mom, the thought of not having this little baby in my belly hurts my heart. I already love it so much.
I can’t wait to meet you Jelly Bean.
Xav: Bro check this out.
I click the link, not expecting to find some entertainment news video. I sit down on the toilet and turn the volume down. They're waiting for me outside but I needed a few minutes to myself before all the shit hits the fan.
There’s a cute girl sitting at a newscaster desk and she has a Whiskey Kiss T-shirt on and a huge smile on her face.
“Sarah, did you hear what went down last night at the Whiskey Kiss show?”a man asks the girl, and she starts to gush.
“John, you betcha I did. Not only am I shocked. I think I became a new fan girl of Carson Star.”
I sit up straighter at the mention of Cara’s name.
She turns to the camera and gives us a wink, before reading from a teleprompter.
“Fans were shocked last night when Whiskey Kiss star Dolly’s mic malfunctioned during a show in Memphis Tennessee. But even more shocking was the voice that was revealed by their newest member of the band, Miss Carson Star, who joined to fill in for Alex as he is off handling some personal business.”She goes off on some speculations and guesses about him probably being in rehab, and her co-star John nods along with her.
“Sorry folks, where was I? Oh yes, a lot of rumors have been circulating about whether or not Carson could actually sing, or if she was just awarded the position due to knowing Memphis. Well guys let me just say not only can Carson sing. She can sing! I swear my jaw dropped along with thousands of other fans. So it’s safe to say those rumours have been squashed. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this.”
They look towards a screen behind them and a clip of Cara singing her heart out plays. I watch as she dominates the stage with Memphis, and the sound of her voice brings tears to my eyes. She looks happy. Fuck, I miss her.
I watch the clip of her singing three times, then pull up her number, closing out of the link.
“Hey Cara, it’s me again. I just wanted to check in. Call me when you can. Bye.” I hang up the phone and groan. Her voicemail again. I guess I should be lucky I can even reach that, Jase was blocked twice.
A knock on the door has me flushing the toilet and washing my hands. I’ve wasted enough time in here. Today is the big day. We are going to attempt to break into Kippa Nu and find Penny’s evidence.
I open the door and Sassy gives me a glare. “I know, I’m sorry. I’m good now,” I tell her and she looks me over critically to see if I really am okay. I give her a smile and she sighs, before spinning to face the others in the room.
“Okay, let’s go over this plan one more time.” The guys groan and she gives them a death glare.