Page 30 of Forever Yours

I shake my head and pull her off the counter. Nope, I will never do the daddy kink. I don’t kink shame, but the only person that will ever call me ‘Daddy’, is my kids. If I ever have any that is. “Memphis what happened?” she asks, furrowing her brow. I step away and go back to the takeout menus.

“You can call me Sir, Memphis, or God, but don’t ever call me Daddy,” I say, avoiding her eyes. She scoffs, and comes over to me, pissed. I roll my eyes and avoid her tantrum. She opens her mouth to say something, but I hold my hand up, cutting her off.

“Let’s table this for now. Cara will be here soon and I need to get her room ready.” I leave Dolly in the kitchen with her mouth gaping and stride over to my room. I think I’ll give Cara the one across from me. If what my mom said is true, I should keep an eye on her. I knew the last time I saw her something had changed, but she seemed happy. Deliriously so… what happened?


The bus pulls up to the Nashville station and I stand up to stretch. The guy next to me checks me out unashamedly and gives me a wink. I flush and look down at my ratty sweats. He’s cute, but I am anti-guy from this point on. I give him a small smile, then grab my bags and move down the aisle. I walk through the terminal and hail a cab. Memphis knows I’m coming, but he doesn’t know I left early. I probably should have given him a heads up, but even though I had blocked his number, somehow Jase is still blowing my phone up, so it’s off most of the time.

The cab driver stops and offers to take my bags but I decline. I haven’t packed much so I just toss it on the seat next to me. He shrugs but walks around and climbs back into the driver’s seat. It’s late, just past one a.m. But Nashville is poppin’. The bars are all open and have lines around the corners. There's a building completely lit up in green lights and some restaurants are even open. I can’t wait to explore my new home.

The cab pulls up to a skyscraper of a building and I gape in awe for a minute.

“Are you okay?” the driver asks, snapping me from my amazement. This place is incredible. I give him a nod and close my mouth.

“Yes, thank you. Keep the change,” I say after handing him an impressive tip. He hops out and opens my door, offering me his hand as if I'm royalty and he’s a limo chauffeur. I give him a small giggle and smile.

“Have a good night, Miss.”

I thank him, then turn to enter the building. Memphis mentioned they would give me my own apartment in his building, but I would much prefer to stay with him. I’m not ready to be on my own just yet, but probably soon I will have to be. A man in a uniform opens the door for me and tips his hat as I pass. I check in with the concierge and he asks for ID, before letting me through. I must make a sight. I haven't showered in two days and the ratty sweats I’m wearing, with a mustard stain on the pant leg and one of Memphis’ old hoodies aren’t something to be desired.

He enters the elevator with me and scans a badge giving us access to the penthouse. How big is this building? I watch as the levels light up, and when we finally stop I take a shaky breath then exit. I give the nice man a wave and thank him. He does this funny little bow that has my brows rising.I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore.

I knock on the door and wait. My hands tremble from the nerves. I haven't seen him in a few months, and I’m not sure how awkward this is going to be. The last time didn’t end well, with him and East having a screaming match. Not to mention, I honestly can't remember the last time we spoke before the few minutes last week. I’m still in shock over that phone call.

“Hey shortcake. How are you? So listen this is crazy out of the blue, but I know you're back home and I was wondering. No, I'm needing. Fuck, I'm really not making much sense. Okay, gonna shoot it straight. Alex is going to rehab and we need someone to take his place immediately. You were the only person that came to mind. So what do you say?”

I still can’t believe I said yes. This breakup must have made me go crazy or maybe it's the pregnancy. I’ve been doing some reading, and one thing mentioned my hormones will be all out of whack.

I wait a few minutes then knock again. Is he not home?This was a bad idea. I should leave.He's a country star now. I don’t know why he thought I would be a good match. Not to mention he won't want my drama. Who would?

I turn to leave, and the door swings open. A gorgeous brunette greets me with an attitude and pursed lips. She’s wearing a shirt I recognize as Memphis’ and no pants. This must be Dolly.Great, more drama with pretty, mean girls.

“Can I help you?” she says in a snotty voice.

I put my bag down, and run my hands through my unwashed greasy hair, hiding the cringe. Yeah, I really need a shower.

“Is Memphis here?” I ask in a polite tone. She steps out into the hall causing me to take a step back, and shuts the door.

“Who wants to know?”Whoa!What's with the aggression?

“I’m assuming you’re Dolly, my name is Carson Matthews.” I wait for recognition but she just stares at me and blinks. “Memphis is my best friend and step-brother. He’s expecting me.”

The instant she hears we’re family her face changes, but it's too late she already showed me her true colors.

“Oh, I'm so sorry darling, Memphis is always getting harassed by crazed fans, and I was told his sister’s name was Cara.” She gives me a big smile then pulls me into a hug. I gently pat my hand on her back then try and pull away. The door opens behind her, and I know I was just used for something but I’m not sure what.

“Well if you aren’t a sight for sore eyes. Comemere,’” Memphis says, and I gently push aside Dolly, who doesn’t seem to want to move, and wrap my arms tight around my best friend. My eyes well with tears and I know I’m close to crying, but this feels so good. So right. I have always felt like I belonged in Memphis’s arms. Dolly coughs behind us, and Memphis lets me go.

“I’m so sorry, shortcake. For everything. I was an idiot. I hope you can forgive me.” I go to tell him I do, but he cuts me off. “Nope, don’t. I'm going to make it up to you. I was a complete asshole and you didn’t deserve it. I’m so excited to have you here with us.”

Whoa, I was not expecting all that. Wait? I look over my shoulder at Dolly and she’s not happy.Us?Does that mean they live together now? Great, just what I needed. Why didn’t Frankie tell me? I turn back to Memphis and give him a big smile and a nod.

“Sounds great Memph.”

Please lord, don’t let me regret this.
