Page 44 of Forever Yours

“Fuck, stop doing that,” Xavier whines and I laugh. Sassy does have one mean stare when she's pissed. The first time she used it on me was the morning she found me in the kitchen in my boxers, drinking orange juice from the carton. I moved out shortly after that. According to her, this is a pussy palace, no dicks allowed.

“As I was saying. Let’s run through this plan one more time. Connor is to go get snacks and drinks, delivering them to Kippa. He has a date with Dana, Penny’s newest sycophant. Jase, you are to stay out of view, until Connor reaches the ‘forbidden room’, he will pop open the window and let you in. Xavier you are to...”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. I'm going to distract the girls in the backyard with the other guys.” She gives him another glare for interrupting but nods.

“East, you need to keep Penny occupied at your house. Handcuff her to the bed if you have to. Just keep her there.”

He physically shudders, but gives Sassy a nod. She looks around at us and gives me the biggest grin.

“Let’s take the bitch down.”

We all head out and I go to the coffee shop to grab Dana her favorite drink and treat. Sassy planned all this to a T, with Ella’s help. Hopefully by tonight we will be free of Penny and her minions. I hope Cara knows that I’m doing all this for her and the guys that she loves. She may be angry and hurt right now and avoiding us, but I know one day we will all come together again. Even the Douchethornes who I’m starting to like. But hell if I’ll admit it.

“Hey, you’re early,” Dana tells me with a huge smile.

“Just excited I guess,” I say, playing to my boy next door charms. She blushes and giggles, but opens the door wider for me to enter. I’ve hardly made it over the threshold when she grabs my hand, tugging me up the stairs.Whoa, she works fast.I pull her to a stop and bite my lip. “Can we hang out down here for a little bit?” Her eyes go wide, but she nods and leads me to the living room. We take a seat and she turns to me. She’s cute, but not Cara. Her light brown hair is in waves and her honey eyes are lined in black. She has a cute little white hoodie over a pink Kippa Nu tank and a matching pink and white ruffled skirt. She’s not wearing shoes, and I wonder if I should have taken mine off.

“So I have to say, I never thought you knew who I was,” she says in a soft tone, moving closer to me. Her hand lands on my thigh and she moves it up slowly. I cough and jump up. She looks shocked and I give her a grin.

“Sorry darlin’ can I use the bathroom?” She laughs, and nods with a point. I bend down and swallow the bile in my mouth, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek, before rushing off. I feel sick. I don’t know if I can do this. Why is she being so forward? I walk towards the bathroom, then close the door, before sneaking around the corner and opening the door to the “forbidden room”. Jase is waiting at the first window. I quietly stride over and open it. He climbs in and gives me a hug.

“You okay? You look pale as shit man,” he asks me in a whisper. I shake my head and he freezes.

“She keeps trying to touch my dick.”

He bites his lip and snorts. I roll my eyes and leave him there, walking carefully back towards the bathroom, but run into Dana.

“Hey, everything okay?” she asks, and I nod. I grab her hand and pull her up the stairs. She giggles and leads me to her room. Her door shuts and she’s on me like flies on sugar. Her lips touch my cheek, because I turned just in time. She pulls back and gives me a look, before unzipping her hoodie and dropping it to the floor. Her skirt goes next and I stop her from lifting her tank.

I gaze at her with fake heat and she bites her lip before trying to kiss me again. I place a hand on her chest and gently shove her back towards the bed. She lands on the mattress with a bounce and giggles. I take a deep breath then reach behind my neck and grip my T-shirt, pulling it off over my head.

This is for Cara. This is for the guys she loves. Penny has to go down.I keep repeating the mantra and praying I don’t throw up all over this poor girl. I lean over her and tap her lips with my finger, she sucks me into her mouth and I groan. I don’t know if I can do this.

“No kissing.” I tell her in a rough voice and she pouts but nods. She runs her nails down my chest and I shiver in revulsion. I grab her wrists and put them above her head. I rip her tanktop up and wrap her wrists tight.

“No touching.”

She moans and squirms. “God, I knew you would be amazing in bed,” she whimpers and I hum in response. She looks up at me, but her eye color is all wrong. I get off the bed and glance around. She has a scarf hanging over her mirror so I grab it and bend down over her again. I place it over her eyes and she starts to pant.

“Oh my god, this is so hot.”

I grunt, then pull out my phone now that she can’t see what I’m doing. I spot a speaker with headphones next to it. Perfect. Someone must be looking out for me and the love I have for Cara. I look up to the ceiling and say a quick thanks. I turn some music on, then place the ear buds in her ears.

I text one of my old fraternity brothers Nate, who’s just outside with Xavier and the other Kippa girls’.

Me: SOS. Dana’s room. Need a walk in cock.

Nate: Be right there.

I remove one earbud, “How do you feel about my friend joining in too? I think it would be so hot, as I watch him fill you,” I whisper in her ear and she shivers.

“Oh yes please,” she whimpers, and I sigh with relief. I would never do anything without her consent. I'm not that type of person. But I know I can’t touch her. Cara is the only girl for me, and I think I’m finally understanding that won’t happen unless I accept I won’t be the only guy for her.

I just hope I haven’t ruined my shot.


I climb in the window and shake my head as a panicked Connor runs away. Poor guy. I hope Dana doesn’t eat him alive. East hooked up with her last year, and I know she's a wild one. Connor has always given me the ‘make love to you’ vibe. I hide in the room as I wait for the signal that everything is clear. I don’t look at the window across the room. I know if I do I’ll start crying and my dick will get hard simultaneously. That night will still go down as one of the hottest of my life. Even if I did end up with blue balls until after we got home.