Iwatch her but she doesn’t see me. Wow. She's beautiful, with her long dark red hair that falls to her tight toned ass, and her silver eyes. She’s perfection in a cauldron.

I see the headmistress is already starting to plant some seeds, though giving her those journals may not help in the way she’s planning. I’ve read them and Elena was miserable for most of her stay here at Alistar Academy. She complaineda lot. From what I’ve witnessed so far, Silver may just see them as a reflection of her own thoughts and feelings. I can feel her sadness and misery. Even if I wasn't an empath, you can just see it in her eyes. I have to admit she puts on a good mask though.

Donovan wants me to pull a prank on her and I know just the thing. It may even put a smile on her face. I watch as she leaves the library, then go in search of one of my favorite books.Prank Spells For Dummies.I grab it, then slip back in my hiding spot, cracking the book open. If I’m right, this should be where the ‘sex dreams’ prank is...

I pull my phone from my pocket and text Donovan.

Wells: Just saw her—she’s walking around with Alara. Are you still at the house?

He responds within seconds.

Don: Yeah, what’s up?

Wells: I got it, man. Her room door locked?

Don: Lemme check.

He must have been right outside based on how fast he replied.

Don: Nope, typical Southern girl. Way too trusting.

Wells: On my way ;)

This is going to be so much fun. She looks tense. No one that beautiful should be so tense.

I get back to the house and there's a bottle of scotch on the counter, next to an empty glass.

“She really that bad?” I ask Donovan. He looks at the glass, then sighs.

“No, but Winnie is. All I wanted was to get my dick wet, you know, and then she started calling me baby, saying she loves me and shit.” He rolls his eyes and refills his glass. “I am not getting caught in that pussy trap again. It’s bad enough I got my dad on my case about the perfect heir thing.” He runs his hand down his face and groans.

I set my bag on the counter then grab a glass for myself. “If you're drinking before noon, I’m not going to let you do it alone.”

He chuckles and pours me a double. “That’s why I love you, brother. So tell me about this prank for the Princess. After her attitude earlier, I’m ready to just change the locks and leave her outside for the night. Maybe that will teach her not to touch other people's shit.” He fumes, clutching his glass a little too hard. “I can’t wait till she knows about us. Then the fun will really begin.” He smirks into his glass.

Oh, she touched his stuff... Yeah, that's a major no-no in this house. Unless you ask in advance, Donovan is super touchy about people using or sometimes even breathing on his things.

“Fuck man, what did she touch? Had to be bad for you to be so pissed.”

“Naw man, it wasn’t even that big of a deal. It was her nonchalant, prissy attitude that pissed me off. She used my shampoo and shit.”

I burst out laughing. “That surprises you? Dude, you use women's stuff for your hair.”

He starts grumbling. Shit, I better make this better before he gets mad at me.

“I know, I know. It’s the only thing that makes your hair so shiny and soft, but come on, man. She probably thought it was left from an ex,” I say in a calming tone.

“I don’t care about the shampoo but bro, she patted my chest like a dog. Then walked away. I thought Southern chicks were sweet and sassy. Not entitled and bitchy. Fuck man, this is going to be a long ass three years.”

I nod my head, just agreeing with everything. He’s already riled up and tipsy. I don’t need him losing control right now. We just remodeled the kitchen after the last time.

“How much time do we have til she returns?” I ask.

He gives me a shrug. “Dunno, but we better hurry. What are you thinking?”