We stop around three p.m. for a quick snack at a coffee shop here on campus. Looking at the menu, I see they have a strange assortment of things.Who would eat frog legs with apple pie?

“Do you know what you would like, Silver?” asks Headmistress Bell—I mean, Alara, as she’s asked me to call her. I guess, being a college, the rules are a little less formal.

I glance once more at the board. “There are so many options. May I have a hot apple cider, and a turkey panini, please?” I tell the barista at the counter.

She nods and inputs my order, before looking behind me with a bright smile.

I glance over my shoulder and freeze.Who is that?Tall, blond, glasses, dressed in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and dark jeans on some thick thighs. I move my gaze back up to see that he’s giving me a beaming white smile, with laughter in his eyes.

Shit, he totally knows I was checking him out.I look away, trying to hide my blush.

Alara glances at me and totally blows my cover. “Are you alright, dear? Your face is all red.”

I give her a nod and a weak smile. She follows the barista’s eyes to the yumminess standing behind me and chuckles. “Oh.” She turns and talks to him. “Professor, I see you have arrived. Are you ready for classes next week?”

Wait! What? He’s a professor? Do they have a no fraternization rule here, because I can totally see myself needing a little extra tutoring from him...I must have zoned out because suddenly they’re both staring at me.

“I’m sorry, I’m a bit exhausted from the drive. What did you say?” I try and play it cool, like I’m not over here drooling, and my panties aren’t damp for a teacher.

He gives me another smile, showing his gorgeous perfect teeth, and holds his hand out to me. “It’s nice to meet you, Silver. I’m your history professor this semester, Mr. Lucian Diavolo, but you may call me Luke. Everyone does.”

I shake his hand and tingles run from my fingers down to my toes. His eyes flare a darker gold.I wonder if he felt that?He lets my hand go, reaching over my shoulder to grab his lunch from the barista, who is now giving me dirty looks.

“I’ll see you both later,” he says, turning to walk toward the door.

“Nice to meet you,” I call out way after the fact. He turns back slightly, giving me a wink.

I glance at Alara, who's wearing a knowing smile. “He graduated last year. This is his first year teaching. He’s quite brilliant.” She starts to say more but our food is up.

We find a table in the corner and I finally rest my feet. I sigh, taking a bite of my lunch.

This day can't end soon enough.

I get back to the cottage and find a sullen, brooding ass sitting on the couch in the dark.

I try to sneak past but he catches me.

"You missed dinner. So you’ll have to fend for yourself," he states, like I was supposed to be there.

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I've been running around with the headmistress all day." I move over and click on a side lamp, watching him flinch at the brightness. I take a seat in the chair across from him, and continue. "When she left for her dinner, I kinda went exploring. This place is amazing." I take a look around, noticing the silence. "Where is everybody?"

He scooches forward on the couch and rests his hands on his knees, staring me down. "You just missed Wells. He waited around to meet you as long as he could, but he had plans. Arrow will be home late. Probably meet him in the morning." He sits back and makes himself comfortable. "So tell me, Silver. What makes you so special?"

What is this, an interview? It’s a little late, considering I’m moved in already.

"I don't know what you mean? I'm not anything special. I received a scholarship here, otherwise I would have stayed in Louisiana." I take a pause, trying to think of what else to add. "I love to read, and bake on occasion. That's about it."

He seems to brighten a bit. "Oh, you cook. That's perfect. We all chip in around here. No nonsense about having a maid. I don't like people touching my shit."

I can't help but laugh, making him stop mid-sentence and glare at me. "I'm fully aware of that. Don't worry, lesson learned. Tomorrow I’ll find a place to purchase some toiletries."

He gives me a beaming smile, making me gasp at how handsome he is when he smiles, and I suddenly recoil in suspicion. He waves his hand as if swatting a fly.

"Don't bother, I have more. Just ask next time."