Halloween is tomorrow, so tonight’s the night we get to share some of our history with Snow. Don keeps giving me looks, and Arrow is avoiding eye contact. I roll my eyes and flip him off.He needs to get over his issues.

Silver comes out of her room wearing the black lace dress Arrow saw at Matilda’s, and my eyes pop out and take off, this time not because of her delicious mouth. Seeing her standing there half-naked, I know tonight is going to be good.

“This dress is beautiful and so soft on my skin, but don’t you feel it’s a bit revealing?” she asks, coming around the corner to sit on my lap. Once seated, she shifts and grins. I know she can feel what seeing her in that dress is doing to me. She glances up at me and mouths “Later.”God, this woman unmans me.

Arrow finally lifts his eyes and gives her a once over. “Wow. You look amazing, Silver,” he says breathily.

She starts to blush and dips her chin. “Thanks Jax,” she whispers.

I gently push her to her feet, and hop up. It’s go time. “Don, grab the bags. Let’s go!” I practically squeal like a teenage girl. Snow laughs at me and takes my hand. We stop to grab our shoes and coats, then start the short walk to our clearing. I was out here earlier to prepare some things and I know she appreciates it from her gasp as we arrive.

“Wow. You guys really do go all out,” she breathes, taking in everything.

I’d conjured a king size bed with satin sheets and a giant blood red velvet blanket. Fun fact—full moons make me hella horny. I also set up a large wood pile for the fire, and a cooler full of snacks and drinks. I may have even brewed some witches brew that I can’t wait for her to try.

Don drops all the stuff onto the bed and I grimace.Really? There's a table over there.

“Looks good, brother,” he comments, then starts to unpack the cheap ass Ouija board and fake spellbooks, as well as some real items that Snow believes are for show.

Arrow said her powers are starting to shine through, and I can’t wait to test some things out tonight—all in the name of an illusion, of course.

Arrow walks over and hands us all a cloak—not our ceremonial ones, these are dark purple and so soft. We remove our coats, shirts and shoes, and put them on. Don walks around the perimeter and spells the area to keep it warm while Arrow keeps Snow distracted. I walk over and plop down onto the bed. I look up and catch her eye, patting the spot beside me. She sashays to me and leans over to give me a hard kiss, before straddling me.I guess I’m not the only one affected by the full moon. I moan into her mouth and she grins, sitting up and running her hands down my bare chest. Tracing her nail over my tattoo. "I never asked, but why the water behind yours? I know Donnie has fire, and Jax has some kind of tornado. Also, a pentagram? You guys really do love Halloween, don't you?"

I pause and think of a response but Arrow saves my ass. "We used to have an obsession with the show Supernatural, but we went with a fun design instead of the devil’s trap one." I burst out laughing and Snow jumps. Arrow gives me a glare and I nod my head in agreement.

"Yup it's true," I squeak. "Don had a huge crush on Dean."

She laughs. "Who didn't? Jensen Ackles is so yummy."

Don comes up from behind her and snatches her hair tight in his fist, tugging hard. She moans, and I watch as her eyes roll back. "What did I say about you talking about other men, Princess?" he growls, making her whimper and lower her eyes. "Good girl," he whispers before kissing her neck. She starts to grind on me and swirls her hips, making me groan.

“Not yet, Princess,” he growls in her ear.

She groans but nods. “Yes, my King.” He releases her hair and she rolls off of me.

Fuck, their dynamic is so hot.I adjust my hard dick and groan, sitting up and leaning against the large headboard I’d conjured for the bed. I glare at Don. "Really, man?" He glances at my hard dick and shrugs.

“How did you guys get this bed out here anyway? This thing could hold eight people,” Silver asks in awe.

I smirk.“We paid someone to do it, Snow. They’ll come get it tomorrow.”

She laughs. “You guys seriously go all out, can’t wait to see what we do for Christmas.” Her eyes are bright, but they slowly dim as she gets lost in a memory. She shakes her head, and gives us a small smile.

“So what's on the agenda first?” I rub my hands together and look at the guys. They’ve also been noticing her change in moods. With the ascension fast approaching, it’s not uncommon for her hormones to be going crazy. I remember screaming, fighting and punching anyone who pissed me off. Didn’t help that it was around the same time my Gran got sick.

“I whipped us up some witches brew earlier. Would you like some?” I ask with a wink. She thinks it's a joke, but I really did, and this way if she sees something out of the ordinary it will simply seem like an illusion. Can never be too careful with a full moon—sometimes our powers can get a bit wacky. The guys give me a look but I give them a big grin.

Silver smiles and shrugs. “Sure Wells, that sounds great. I’d love some witches brew.” I hop off the bed and move over to the cooler.

Arrow follows me and bends closer so she can’t hear. “Are you sure about this, man? The way potions have been reacting to her, this may not work,” he points out, biting his lip with worry.

I shrug and nudge his shoulder with mine. “Only one way to find out.” I bend down and grab three mason jars, leaving Arrow to grab his own. I walk back to the bed and hand them out.

Silver opens hers, gives it a small sniff, and shrugs. “Cheers!” she says, clinking her jar with all of ours, before she takes a large sip. Her eyes brighten and she smiles. “Wow, that is delicious. It reminds me of apple cider.”