“Serpentior,” Don states calmly.

I cringe and Arrow looks worried.

“Don man, I think that may be a little too far?” I say and he shrugs. I look over at Hazel—her eyes are huge, and she's shaking. Snakes start to slither through the cracks on the floor, like worms growing larger and larger, before winding around her ankles, slowly moving higher.

God, I think I’m going to be sick.

Don looks my way and laughs. “Go check on Silver. I’ll stay here and keep Hazel company.” He plops down in a chair and kicks his feet up on the table, leaning back, totally relaxed. Hazel starts screaming, her eyes filled with tears and fear.

Don chuckles. “I would keep your mouth closed, they like warm holes.”

I shiver and glance at Arrow—he’s already got the door open.Yeah, let’s get the fuck out of here.