“Wow, that was amazing. I’m so full...” Silver groans, rubbing her toned stomach as we walk out of the restaurant. “Thank you Jax, this was really nice. I feel like I got to see a side of you I needed to know.”

I feel the same way.

“Anytime, babe. Are you ready to head home? I bet Luc’s missing you.”

She pauses and gives me a beaming smile, then nods. Once again, I get lost in her silver eyes. Clearing her throat, she steps back, pushing some hair behind her ear. She gives me a grin and walks toward the SUV. I follow, trying to remind myself,she’s a liar. Can’t be trusted.

I unlock the car and she practically skips to the backseat, opening the door and jumping in. I raise my eyebrow and she laughs.

“Don't worry, cutie. I’ll still sit with you. Just grabbing my kitty.”

I snort and she picks up the furball, bringing him into the front seat with her. He nuzzles between her boobs.Lucky cat.

I walk over to my side and hop in. Before I can start the car, she leans over and grabs the back of my head, pulling my lips to hers. She kisses me hard, and I groan. I lick her bottom lip, asking her to open, but just then, my phone rings. I groan for a different reason and she laughs.

Pulling back, I reach in my pocket for my phone. “Yeah,” I answer, not taking my eyes from her puffy, just-kissed lips. I lick mine, thinking of having them again, when Wells snaps in my ear.

“Did you hear me, Arrow?”

I clear my throat and pay attention. “No, sorry what was that?”

He sighs. “I said, we have a date at the spot in two hours. So get back here. I need my cuddles before we go.”

I laugh and reply like a smartass. “Okay snookums, I’ll be there soon to tuck you in. I miss you too.” I hang up before he can answer and Silver is looking at me with a strange expression. I roll my eyes and laugh. “Just Wells. He misses you and wants cuddles.”

She laughs and rolls her eyes too.

I start the car, and head back home. Leaning over, Silver turns the radio on and Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande is playing. She starts to sing and I’m blown away by her incredible voice.

Pulling into the Academy’s gate, I mutter the protection spell under my breath. I glance over at Silver and she’s zoned out, petting Luc.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

She looks at me and wipes her eyes. “Yes, tonight was perfect—thank you. I was actually just thinking that Luna would have loved it here. I wonder if one of you would have dated her,” she laughs and looks at me. “Three guys just for little old me.” She shakes her head, not continuing. But I get it. It may be normal to us and our coven, but to her this is new territory.

We pull up to the house, and Wells rips open her door. He leans in for a kiss, then backs away with a growl. “Really, Snow? You have to be holding that thing right now? I’ve missed you,” he whines.

She climbs out and sets Luc on the ground, placing her hands on her hips.When did she put his little collar on him?

“Now listen here, Wells. You are going to get over this aversion to Luc. He’s just an innocent animal that needed a home, and if you keep it up, he’ll be the only one in my bed tonight," she growls, then shoves past him to the house.

"But Snow..." Wells whines, chasing after her. I roll my eyes and grab the bags, following them inside.

This is gonna be fun.


"I can't believe you let her keep it. You are completely whipped," Don teases me as we’re on our way to campus. We have a date tonight with some traitors.

I roll my eyes and huff. "Yeah and you aren't? I can't believe she made me pet it." I shiver at the feeling of petting the silky hair that shed all over me. I like neatness, I like order—and a cat is not clean or orderly. They shit in a box then play with it, and their hair gets everywhere. I gag a little at the thought, and the guys laugh at me.

“Dude. Chill, you should have seen how happy this made her. When we were at the pet store, she was like a witch in a broom shop,” Arrow says with a smile.

Something happened tonight. I can’t put my finger on it, but the last few weeks, he’s been dealing with anxiety, shame, and disgust. Tonight, he’s happy. Like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

“I’m glad she’s happy, man. I really am. But did it have to be a cat?” I sigh.

We pull up to the main building and Don spins from the driver's seat to look at me. “Did you text Hazel?” I nod and he grins. “This is going to be fun. It’s been a while since I’ve tortured anyone.”