Itake Silver and Lucifer to the pet shop in town and can’t keep the grin off my face. Watching her running around picking out way too many cute cat things is highly amusing. She’s glowing. I don’t think I’ve seen her this happy since meeting her.

“Oooh, we need this,” she squeals, picking up a little soft baby pink cat bed and adding it to the cart. I chuckle and she looks at me.

“Babe, Luc is a boy. How about the blue one?”

She huffs, reluctantly putting it back and getting the same thing in blue. I take her hand and pull her to my chest, adjusting the large cat up to my shoulder. Why we couldn't leave him in the car, I don’t know.

“How about we check out and get something to eat?” I ask her gently, lifting her chin with my finger. She rolls her eyes and nods, taking a step back and kissing Luc’s head, before spinning and double checking everything in the cart.

“I think we have everything. Food, bed, toys, scratching post, self-cleaning litter box, trays, litter, food and water bowls. Do I need anything else?” she asks, looking at me and I laugh.

“Nope. Lucifer’s all set.”

She rolls her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. “I will not call him Lucifer—his name is Luc,” she sasses.

I bend down and grip the back of her neck, pulling her tight to my lips.

“Meowwwww,” Luc growls and I let up on her.Already being cockblocked by the damn thing.

I step back and lead us over to the check out. The cute young attendant scans everything while giving me eyes full of lust, but I ignore her. The only woman on my mind these days is the bratty one rubbing her face all over the cat in my arms.Too cute.

“That’ll be one hundred and forty even,” she huffs, obviously annoyed by my ignoring her.

Silver spins to pay, but I hand over my card. She goes to argue but I stop her with a kiss on her pouty lips. “Just don’t, babe.”

She smiles, and reaches up to grab Luc from my arms. Cuddling him to her chest, she whispers, “You are going to be one spoiled pussy.”

I snort alarmingly at the lady checking me out, and Silver winks, before walking out the door.Such a brat.

I grab the receipt, ignoring the phone number scribbled on it, and pick up the bags. Pushing through the door, I head toward Donovan's SUV that we’d borrowed, when my phone rings.

Moving all the bags to one hand, I grab it from my pocket. “Hello?”

“Why do you sound out of breath?” Kaci says immediately. I roll my eyes.

“You have some nerve calling me, Kac. After what you girls pulled, I’m surprised the Master only whipped Winnie,” I snap and she whimpers.

“I’m so sorry, Arrow. After we left the cottage I knew it was a huge mistake, but they wouldn’t listen to me.”

I snort. “Yeah, sure. Listen Kaci, I have to go. But don’t worry, we’ll be in touch—this discussion isn’t over.” I hang up before she can give me any bullshit excuses.

I round the corner to where we parked and Silver’s sitting on the hood with Luc on her chest, leaning back on the windshield just looking at the stars. She looks happy, content, at peace. Not like someone out to destroy me and my brothers.

I walk up to them and the cat hisses.Maybe Lucifer is a perfect name.

“Oh shush, you. It’s just Jax.” she says, glancing my way with a huge smile. I can't stop myself from bending over and giving her a quick kiss. I pull back then take her hand, helping her to the ground. I open the passenger door for her, then walk to my side and climb in.

“Where would you like to eat?” I ask.

She buckles herself in, then takes the cat bed from the bag in my hand. She removes the tag and places it on the backseat, before lifting the cat up. He tries to cling to her shirt, but she gently removes the claws and places him in the bed. Looking back at him she says, “Now, be good and take a little nap, okay?”

Luc sniffs the bed, circling around in it like six times before plopping down. If a cat could sigh, I swear he would.

I start the engine, and back out of the spot, before taking Silver’s hand in mine. She looks over her shoulder and smiles. I glance in my rearview mirror and see Luc already asleep.