“Scream all you want princess, no one here will save you.”

I wiggle and scream, even after they have me gagged and bound. I will never stop fighting. I did not survive the most horrific accident of my life to go out this way. They throw a bag over my head and someone grabs me by the front of my dress, ripping it. The cool breeze blows and I know my chest has been exposed. Whoops and cheers sound. Did they drag me to a party?Is this some kind of hazing?

They drag me a few more feet and I'm thrown onto something cold and hard. I can't see anything but shadows. My hands are tied too tight to move and the gag is making it hard to breathe. Voices surround me. It sounds like a celebration is happening. I hear the guys nearby and my heart breaks. I don't know what is going on, but whatever it is they lied to me. My head hurts so I slowly wiggle my way to a sitting position. I scooch back as far as I can and lean against some metal bars.Am I in a cage?What the fuck is going on?

All of a sudden, everyone stops talking. There’s a moment of dead silence before a man’s voice starts speaking. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here today to help welcome another brother into our coven. Please stand, brother Marion. He ascended just last week and has already completed his tasks.'' The voice pauses and people clap, with a few hoots and hollers.What the hell is going on?

“Now as you know, the final task is to complete a sacrifice. The girls here have selected someone special for you.” Someone grabs my upper arm hard, pulling me toward them. I crash into a hard chest and freeze.

“Isn’t she beautiful? Shame we have to kill her.”

Some people laugh, then I’m being shoved down to my knees. I throw my head back and hit something hard. A man grunts and curses.Fuck.I shouldn't have done that. The pain in my skull increases and I know I'm close to passing out. "Someone hold her head, while I slit this little bitch’s throat," a man snarls. I squirm and scream from behind my gag, but it's pointless. The only men who would save me, have betrayed me. Led me to this fate.

This is it.I bend my head and wait for the cool blade to touch my throat.If you can hear me Luna, I’ll see you soon.If you are watching, look away. I can't bear for you to see this.A tear falls down my face but I have no way to wipe it away. I take a deep breath in and wait for the final blow.

“WAIT!!!” someone shouts. I'm thrown to the ground face first again.


Someone gently lifts me up. They remove the bag, then the blindfold and I gasp, choking on the gag, suddenly looking into Jax’s panicked eyes.

Conversation buzzes all around, and someone roars, “What is the meaning of this?”

Jax reaches down and removes my gag, wiping the tears that have fallen. “I knew something was wrong. I knew you were in danger. I almost lost you,” he whispers, leaning down and kissing me hard.

I pull away in disgust. “What is this, Jax? Why am I here?” I croak.

His eyes go wide, but then they soften and he brings me to his chest. I turn my head—now that my eyes are clear, I can see the terrifying party that's going on. It’s a cult.They are in a cult.

I feel sick; I push away from him, spin and vomit on the ground. Jax rubs my back gently, lifting my hair out of the way. My legs go weak and I tumble toward the ground once more.

Strong arms swoop me up and Donnie is now holding me.

“Snow, oh my god,” Wells says, coming up to me but I ignore him. It hurts to look at him, hurts to look at them all, but his betrayal cuts the most.

“Why? Why Donnie?” I whisper. His eyes show fire, but I don’t think his rage is directed toward me. I look over his shoulder, and see Winnie on her knees, begging the large hooded man standing over her for mercy. Vines appear out of his hand, which he swings back then whips at her face and torso. She screams as blood starts dripping from the lashes.

What the fuck is going on?

“Take me home,” I whisper, not caring who hears. My head is throbbing so badly, and what I’m seeing has to be a nightmare. They turn to leave but someone grabs Donovan’s shoulder, spinning us around.

The tall monster of a man stares at me, checking me for wounds. "Is she alright?" he says, in a gravelly tone.

"Alright? Am I alright?!" I snap. "Let's see. I was kidnapped from an enjoyable girls’ night, dragged through the woods, and almost murdered. No, she is certainly not alright."

He steps closer, raising his hand toward my cheek—vines thankfully nowhere in sight—and I whimper.

The man jolts back. "I would never hurt you, little devil. Take her home, and make her a drink to forget this night. I'll take care of Ms. Blackwell," he says, before striding away.

Little devil? Where have I heard that before?

Wells comes up behind us and whispers, "I'm so sorry, Snow."

Then everything goes black.

I wake up outside in the garden, covered in dirt.How much did we drink?I remember Jade suggesting we stargaze, then everything’s just blank.How odd.

The guys come rushing out of the house, all in a tizzy.

"Found her," Jax yells. He comes to take my hand and I step back in fear. His eyes go wide, but I shake the feeling off and take his hand.That was weird. Why would I be scared of Jax?

He leads me inside to the shower, but I just rinse off quickly, then climb in bed. A large yawn escapes my lips.

Wells and Arrow climb into bed after and hold me.This is nice.I snuggle deeper into someone's chest and slowly drift into a dreamless sleep.