I laugh and he turns to glare at me. “What?”

“For someone who just emptied his balls a few hours ago, you sure are tense, man.” I snort.

He sighs and faces forward again, stomping through the leaves and brush. “She’s fucking with my head, dude. I think I finally found my match and I’m freaking the fuck out,” he admits, not looking at either of us.

“Wouldn’t that be a good thing? If she chose us as her men? We’d keep her safe, help her through this transition. I’m not seeing the problem here. She’s smart, sweet, and amazing in bed—like, the best I’ve ever had. Not to mention she bakes you all the things you like,” I argue, coming up and grabbing his shoulder, forcing him to stop. His emotions are like a whirlwind; it’s hard to pinpoint just one.

“Am I wrong? Is Silver not perfect?” I ask again.

He turns and looks at me and nods. “She is—that’s what's bothering me. Nothing good in my life ever lasts. You know that.” He walks away. I look back and Arrow’s standing there, watching him go.

“What? You don't want her to be with you either? I was there the other morning. I saw how she made you feel.”

He snorts and rolls his eyes, then shoves me out of the way. “She’s hot, man. I get it. I want to fuck her, but doesn’t mean I want to marry her.”

“You guys are insane. She’s perfect!” I say, chasing after them.

They’re going to miss out on the best thing they could ever have.

Fifteen minutes of silence later, we come up to the clearing. Rows and rows of candles line the space, with a large bonfire in the middle. Master is sitting off to the side, on a raised throne made of twigs and vines. He likes to be able to watch us do his bidding. Some witch is blowing him, while another feeds him berries, the juices running down what we can see of his lips and chin, looking like blood.Fuck, he’s scary.He seems bored, his cloaked face staring off into the woods, as if waiting for someone.

Matthews Blackwell sits on his left, and Alara on his right. The other council members have not arrived yet. Good, if we can avoid a run-in with the parents, that would be swell.

We walk over to the altar where the chalice sits on top of a velvet cloth. I pick up the dagger and stab my thumb, letting a drop of blood pool, then squeeze it into the cup, before rubbing it on the goat's skull sitting below. The guys do the same, then we go wait by the fire. I stick my finger in my mouth, sucking for a minute until it stops bleeding. Donovan wipes his on his pants, and Arrow just ignores it.

I glance up at the darkening sky, admiring the stars. I’ve always liked lying under the stars.

Arrow speaks without looking up from his phone. “Full moon tonight. No wonder everyone is so anxious for a meeting.”

Ah, I love a full moon. The things we used to get up to: blood orgies, sacrifices, pranks on the lower classes. Usually I would be all here for this, but my mind strays to a silver-eyed temptress waiting for me.

A few more people arrive and we all stand in front of the council, waiting for them to begin. Winnie walks in with a girl who’s wearing torn clothing and has her hands bound. I roll my eyes at the theatrics. Did they need to put a bag over her head? We all know the girl won't be alive much longer; the least Winnie could do is treat her with a bit of kindness. She walks the girl to the cage they set aside for sacrifices, and shoves her in hard, with an evil smile.

“Wow, Winnie’s even more murderous than usual tonight,” Arrow mutters.

“Better watch out, Don,” I joke. I take a closer look at the girl. She’s got long dark hair hanging down under the bag, hard to see the color in the firelight. I feel drawn to her, like I know her.Weird.I shake my head to get rid of the fuzzy feeling and walk back to the guys.

“Donovan!” comes a high-pitched squeal. All I see is a flash, then Winnie is on him. Lips on his, rubbing up against him.

He yanks her back. “Winnie, what the fuck?” He tosses her on her ass and wipes her lipstick off his mouth, looking pissed.

She stands and pouts, putting her hands on his shoulders, trying to move closer. “Baby, I’ve missed you. Where’s your little whore? Oh that's right, the precious princess can’t handle us yet. If she ever will,” she says with a giggle. He shoves her off once more and she screams.

“Winnifred Blackwell! That isenough, young lady!” Matthews Blackwell hisses, coming up and snatching her arm.

“But Daddy! He’s mine... I won’t let that bitch take him from me,” she whines, as he pulls her away.

Donovan looks at me. “What the fuck, man? Has she always been so obsessive? I remember dating and never being able to get hold of her.” He wipes his mouth once more, grimacing. “Hate that sticky fucking lip gloss she wears.”

I agree, that stuff is annoying. I much prefer Snow’s coconut chapstick. My dick hardens at the thought of her pouty lips just as Hazel walks up and grabs my crotch.

“Is someone happy to see me?” she purrs, rubbing me. I smack her hand away and she growls, grabbing my cheek and digging her nails in hard. “I will have you again, Wellson Birch. Mark my words. Have your little fun, but playtime’s almost over,” she snarls then gives me a soft kiss, before walking away.What the fuck is up with these witches tonight?

Arrow comes running up. “Hide me, concealment spell now!”

I do as he asks and Kaci comes past, looking around wildly.

“Have you seen Arrow?”