“Have you lost your fucking mind, Winnie? She doesn’t know anything yet. Leavenowor I’ll tell Alara you almost compromised everything.” I turn to make sure the new girl’s still in the shower.

“So that's the Forest bloodline?” Winnie snorts before continuing her rant. “She’s not even pretty. I don’t know what all the fuss is about! Daddy can’t seem to shut up about her. Whatever, Donovan—don’t call me later,” she says, in her annoying nasal tone.

Yeah, because I had every intention of doing that. I hate stuck-up witches like you.

Annoyed with my silence, Winnie huffs then storms from the house, slamming the door in her wake. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass, before reaching into the top cupboard for some scotch. It’s already one of those days and it’s not even noon yet.

My phone rings from my bedroom, causing me to leave my drink and rush to grab it. Should’ve known he would be calling.

“Yo,” I answer.

“She there yet? What’s she like? Please man, tell me she’s at least hot,” my buddy Arrow rattles off, not letting me get a word in edgewise.

“Yea she’s here,” I snap.

“And…” He trails off.

“Already met Winnie, so we’ll need to keep an eye on that. You know how those witches can be.” I snort, thinking of all the drama that is bound to occur.

“Fuck, man. I so donotneed that bullshit drama today. Why was Winnie even there? Thought you broke up?”

“Yeah well, what can I say, she’s down for anything. We’re not getting back together though, no matter how much her parents push it,” I growl with annoyance.

“Still pushing the bloodlines thing?” he asks and I huff.

“Winnifred is one of the most stubborn women I know, but she does have a very powerful family tree. Our children would be highly sought after, blah blah blah. I swear, that's all I hear these days. I couldn’t care less. I can’t stand her and her voice annoys the shit out of me. Only thing she was good for was sucking my—”

He cuts me off. “That sucks man, but come on, I’m dying over here! Tell me, is the new girl hot?”

I roll my eyes, even if he can’t see me. I swear, out of the three of us, Arrow is the biggest slut.

“Tall, dark red hair, silver eyes, toned ass. So yeah, I guess she is. Honestly, I didn’t get a chance to ogle her for you. I was busy dealing with Winnie’s shit. Whenever you guys get back, you can see for yourselves.”

“Fuck, man. I love redheads—they’re always wild. And I guess we know now why her name is Silver. We’re really going to have to watch her. The last person to have silver eyes...”

He trails off, so I fill in the blanks for him. “Was super powerful. Yeah, I know man, that was my first thought too. We’ll keep an eye on her, it's our mission after all. When will you be back?”

“Late tonight, if things go to plan. I’ll see you at the spot around two a.m. Remember to be careful Don—she can’t know about us.”

“Yeah, I got it. I’ll see you then.” I hang up then walk back to get my drink.

The bathroom door opens in a storm of coconut-scented steam. Well, there goes all the hot water, and did she seriously use my shit? Not even here an hour and already fucking with things. This has been a permanent man cave for the past two years. I don’t care if she lives here now—she will obey our rules. I refuse for things to change. I hate change.

“I don’t know how things were back home, Princess, but here we ask before we take shit that doesn't belong to us,” I huff while she's bent over, drying her hair.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Should I have yelled to you from the shower asking if I could wash my hair?" She stands tall and moves closer. "I was going to mention it after I was done and offer to buy a new one, since I don’t have anything at the moment. But now, due to your sparkling personality, I think I’ll just say thanks.” She pats my chest in a condescending way, then walks past me, still in her towel.

Great. Another prissy witch. These next three years are going to fucking suck.

I pour myself another glass, before slamming it back. The burn reminds me that I can’t touch this princess. In fact, it’s the opposite—I must protect Silver Forest with my life. Our future depends on it.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t fuck with her a little. I grab my phone and shoot Wells a text.

Donovan: Princess has arrived, and I think she needs a proper welcome.