“Must have been some vision. What was it about?” he asks, starting to look like himself again.

I wave it away. “Just some shit between the council. Nothing to worry about,” I say, not looking him in the eye.

He snorts, nudging me with his shoulder. “Liar. It was probably a sex thing with Silver.” He looks at me suspiciously, and I can tell he’s trying to read me, but I have my guard up.

I roll my eyes. “You totally caught me,” I say, moving toward the door where Silver and Don are waiting. I should tell Wells the truth.Why didn’t I tell him?

As we approach the others, Silver gives me a beaming smile. Wells knocks me out of the way to claim the seat next to her, reaching down to grab her cheeks, pulling her lips to his.

I take the seat next to Don and he gives me a nod. “Everything okay?” he asks quietly, just for me.

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” I say, leaning back with a sigh.

A giggle from down the row alerts me to Wells sucking on Silver’s neck. I never told them about that day in the Master's chambers, and now I’m not telling them about my vision.Why am I protecting this girl?

Wells leans over for one more kiss, then stares into her eyes. He loves her, and if what I just saw comes to light, she is going to destroy him. I won’t let that happen.I wonder what else the little Forest witch is lying about?

She looks up and gives me a wink. I smile back and settle back into my seat, getting ready to watch the show. She doesn’t know it but I’m about to become her best friend, her confidant. I will find out what she's hiding. I will not let her destroy my family.

Better watch out Silver Forest, because I’m on to you.


“Did you see that?” I grab Donnie's hand in my excitement. This show is beyond spectacular. I just wish my family was here to see it; Apollo would have loved it. I move to let go, but he squeezes my hand tighter, not letting me escape.

I watch in amazement as two men support each other just with their upper bodies. Wow. This is incredible—and I used to see some impressive stunts from Luna’s cheer team. They were number one at nationals three years running.

Donnie leans over to whisper in my ear, but I don't hear him because the men just removed their tops andholy fuckthey are bare-chested with suspenders. I lean forward in my seat and he huffs beside me, letting my hand go, muttering something under his breath.

I glance back at him but he’s not looking at me. He’s glaring at the show in front of us.

Well okay then.

Heading back to the lobby afterward, I can’t contain my excitement.

“That was amazing! We have to come back again. That stunt with the firepoles was Oh. My. God. How did they climb so fast?”

It’s a rhetorical question but Donnie mutters under his breath something about an adhesive spell.

I turn and look at him. “What?”

Wells laughs loudly and smacks him on the back of the head. “Donovan, what a kidder,” he chuckles, taking my hand.

I shrug and continue. “And that water show! That was incredible. Next time I want to be in the splash zone.”After some of those performances, the water would have helped cool me down...

We leave the venue and Wells pulls my hand, leading me to the back door of the SUV.

Donnie turns to glare at him, and Wells huffs, “You need to share, man.”

Um, excuse me?

I pull my hand away and face the guys, putting my hands on my hips. “Listen here. I am not a toy. You will not decide who ‘shares’ me,” I say, using air quotes.

Jax goes to talk but I wave my hand, cutting him off.

“I will be honest—I like you all. I know Jax and Wells have talked about me being with all of you, but I’m not used to anything remotely like that. Unless it's in a fiction romance I’m reading,” I finish under my breath. “Now, I sat next to Donovan on the way here, so I agree to sitting in the backseat with Jax and Wells. It’s only fair, but listen here andlisten good. I decide who I spend my time with, and when. I will not have any of you dictating my life.”

Donnie comes up and pulls me into his arms, before kissing me hard. “Are you done?” he whispers against my lips.