Just need to get inside



Racing against the clock



Never kind



One chance, one last breath

I read it one more time. Wow, that's a powerful poem. I hand it back to her, but before I can comment, she starts talking.

“I was right there. Right there in the kitchen when the explosion happened. If I had taken two more steps toward the dining room, would I still be here? Some days I would give anything to have switched places with someone else—Luna, Apollo. Why was I spared, Donovan? Just like I told you the first day we met, I’m no one special. So why me?”

I grasp her chin tightly and bring her tear-filled gaze to mine.

“Youarespecial, Silver. Things may not make any sense right now, but one day, you will see what I see.”

She moves a little closer to me. “And what is it you see, Donnie?” she whispers, a breath from my lips. “Someone broken, alone, barely making it day by day?”

I close the distance and lean in to kiss her softly. “I see someone strong, a fighter, with such a large heart, she’s changing the broken men in this house.” Lifting my hand, I wipe the tears from her cheeks. "I know we don't get along very well, but I’m happy to talk, or listen. Whatever you need." I look away from her, before saying what I never wanted to confess. "May come as a shock, but I like you, Silver."

Soft sobs turn to chuckles next to me, and I can feel the rage rising through my bones—one of the downsides to having a fire affinity. My temper strikes like a match on a piece of wood. I take a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down.

She takes my hand in hers. Such a drastic size difference. She has such tiny, gentle hands, compared to my giant, calloused paws.

“You tolerate me, Donnie. Some days it looks like you want to choke me to death.” She rolls her eyes and nudges my shoulder with hers.

I let out a laugh. “That's because some days I do, babe.”

She gives me a shaky smile.

“Let’s get out of here,” I suggest, taking her hand and pulling her up from the bench.


“Yeah, let’s go out and celebrate your family. We sat and watched the butterflies for your sister, so let’s go do something for your parents and little brother,” I offer and she gives me a big smile. It’s still a little wobbly, but baby steps.

“Are you sure? I thought Jax mentioned you guys had plans tonight? I was just going to get some pizza and watch sad movies. Maybe read some of my great-great-grandmother’s journal.”

“This is more important.You’remore important, Silver,” I tell her, bringing her forehead to my chest, giving her a hug. She wraps her arms around me tightly and starts to shake, letting the tears out. Tears usually freak me out. My mom always said I was practically allergic to people crying, so why am I okay holding her while she breaks like this? What is it about this woman that makes me feel weak but invincible at the same time?

I rest my head atop hers and wait for the tears to end. I don’t know how long we stand there like this, but when she finally pulls away, I find myself disappointed.

She wipes her eyes and giggles. “Thank you. I really needed that. I’m better now if you want to cancel and go to your meeting.”

Yeah not happening. I shake my head and take her hand.

“Nope, we are getting out of this house. Let’s get all dressed up and do something fun. I’ll go tell the guys.”