I put my phone away and start moving toward choir. I feel it buzz as I walk, but I’ll read it later.

As I enter the conservatory, Clara comes rushing up to give me a hug. I seriously like her.

“Silver, you look upset. Is everything okay?”

I give her a nod and a small smile. “Yeah, just a long first day of classes. How are you?” I ask.

She looks me over, then gives me a beaming smile. “I’m great. Excited to hear you sing again. You have an incredible voice,” she gushes and I laugh.

A few other girls start to trail in and take their seats. One gives me a glare.

“Listen, I have to get class started, but we should get together sometime. Mani-pedis one night? I make a mean blood orange margarita,” Clara suggests, giving me a wink.

“Sounds great,” I say, just as Jade comes up beside me.

“What sounds great?” she asks.

Clara gives her a big hug and a smile. “Mani-pedis and blood orange margaritas at my place next weekend—you in?”

“Hell yes! Always down for your margs,” Jade exclaims, making me laugh.

Clara walks back to the front to start the vocal warmups, and I lean over to ask Jade a question. “Hey, who’s that girl—the brunette with the hazel eyes?” I point and she snorts.

“You mean the one giving you the evil eye? That’s Hazel. Fitting, right? She’s Wellson's ex-girlfriend. He broke up with her last year and she didn’t take it well.”

“Ah okay, that makes sense.” Facing the front, I try to get into the music but now I'm all distracted.

Why is Hazel giving me the death stare? Does she know Wells and I hooked up? Is he telling people?

I finish up the song, then check my phone.

Donnie: Who is this?

Donnie: ?????

I snort. Of course he doesn’t have my number. Only reason I have his is from the information file I was given. Oops—hope he doesn’t ask how I got it.

Silver: Sorry, it’s Silver. Someone overheard Winnie planning to break in tonight and mess with something. Gave me a heads up.

Donnie: On it!

I wait another minute to see if he writes any more, but that's it. Why am I not surprised that he’s a man of few words?

Class ends and I pack my things up before rushing out. I have a shopping date tonight.