“It’s a new day, a new place. This will be good for you. I know it's hard moving on, but it’s been a year, Silver. They wouldn’t have wanted you to live the rest of your days miserable,” my mom’s best friend says, the last part under her breath as if I wasn’t supposed to hear it. Anita takes a deep breath, fixing a fake smile on her face. “Your mother was thrilled about you being accepted at Alistar Academy and carrying on the Forest name.”

Yeah, everyone keeps saying that to me, but I don’t know what they mean. I’m nothing special. Luna was the amazing one. She would have nailed this whole college experience.

“Yes, Auntie. I’ll try and make you proud.” Done with the conversation, I turn and face the window, resting my hand under my chin.

Alistar Academy—where all the elites go. Where my sister Luna and I were both supposed to attend until that awful night last year.

“Silver baby, can you grab the potatoes, and the rolls please?”

“Yes, Mama. Anything else?” I ask.

Before she can respond, there’s a huge explosion, causing me to fly out the back door.

I wipe my eyes before the tears can fall, and continue watching the scenery. They say the blast throwing me outside was the only reason I’m alive. I don’t remember much. Just waking up in the yard with an EMT hovering above me, giving me oxygen.

A gas leak took my family from me. The people who meant the world to me—gone. Just like that.

“Ms. Forest. Do you understand what this means? You are now the heir to the Forest estate.

It stipulates here that before you can inherit the company, you still need to attend all three years at Alistar Academy, and you are to marry from one of these families' bloodlines.”

He hands me a dossier full of information and photos of three attractive men, and I look at him in confusion.

“Mr. Blackwell, I’m sorry, but this is all coming out of nowhere. No one ever mentioned an arranged marriage to me before. Not to mention my mama and papa were not overly wealthy... We were well off, but nothing in regards to what you’re claiming I now have.” I set the folder beside me and twist my fingers.

Mr. Blackwell—my family's attorney—stands and comes over to sit beside me. Taking my hand, he continues. “Ms. Forest, you will come to learn many of your family's secrets in time. I am not permitted to disclose much, but I can say that your bloodline is very strong—powerful, even. You must watch your back. These three boys will be in attendance with you at Alistar Academy. They do not know you will be looking at them as future husbands. So I suggest trying to get to know them the old-fashioned way, yes?”

He stands and adjusts his tie, before moving to the door and opening it. “Now if you will excuse me, there is much I still need to do. You had best be on your way to Alistar Academy. Don’t want to give a bad impression by being late on your first day.”

“Silver! Look at this campus. I can only see the tower over the trees. Eeeek! I’m so excited for you, baby,” Anita says as she clicks her turn signal on and pulls up to the curb. “Now, promise me you’ll keep in touch. It’s only a half day's car ride so if you need anything, just call me, okay? I know you're legally an adult,” she says while rolling her eyes, “but I’ll always be here for you, baby girl. I love you.” She pauses to take a few breaths, and I notice her hands are shaking. “Oh my, here come the waterworks. Now give me a quick hug and skedaddle.”

I reach over and give her a tight hug for a few seconds, before grabbing my bag from the back seat. I open the car door, and look back at her once more. “I love you too, and I’ll keep in touch.” I promise, before standing and closing the door gently behind me.

She honks, pulling from the curb. I turn and wave as I watch the last person from my past life drive away.

Well, here goes nothing.

As I walk through the iron front gate of Alistar Academy, a tingle rushes through my body. That was odd. I continue up the long, winding driveway until the actual building appears. Hidden behind a layer of forest, this place is extravagant—if not a bit scary. I knew from the pamphlets that this school would be enormous, but nothing as extreme as what I’m now witnessing.

It’s a castle. Even has the towers you could picture holding a princess prisoner. All it’s missing is the moat.

I stop at the bottom of the hundred plus stairs I now need to climb, and take it all in. Tears fill my eyes. I’ve imagined this day for years now, but I always saw myself holding Luna's hand, doing this together. We were meant to start college here after high school graduation, but our parents surprised us with a backpacking trip. It was only supposed to be for the summer, but Luna and I were having so much fun that we decided to take a gap year and go around the world. Now I can’t help but wonder—if we’d skipped the traveling, would she still be alive? It’s bittersweet because even though she’s gone, I have those memories to think back on.

“I wish you were here, Sis. I miss you every day,” I whisper to the wind, then take the first step.

When I finally make it halfway to the top, I'm out of breath, and a tad sweaty. Whew—I'm going to need to work out more. I look in horror at the many more stairs awaiting me.

"That's a lot of steps," I mumble under my breath. Sighing, I continue.

When I reach the entrance to the Academy, I'm bent over trying to catch my breath, and I know my face is beet red. The front doors slam open and a woman is before me with a stern look upon her face. She has a name tag—Headmistress Alara Bell—on her blazer, and purses her lips as she looks me over.

“You’re late. I hope this doesn't become a regular occurence from you, Ms. Forest. Now follow me. There is much to do before dinner.” Headmistress Bell gives me one more glare before taking off at a brisk pace down the corridor.

Dinner? It’s just past ten in the morning.