"He did what?!!" I roar into the phone before just hanging up all together. I slam it on my nightstand, and storm into the hall toward the kitchen, not caring that it's two a.m.

Doesn't take long till little footsteps come stomping after me. I turn just in time to see a furious Princess with her hair a mess, not caring she's walking around in a long shirt with no pants. From the looks of it, it’s the shirt Wells was wearing tonight. Doesn’t surprise me after listening to them these past few hours. These walls are thinner than you would think. I mean, what the hell is the point of having a silencing spell, if you're not going to use it?He did it on purpose. That asshole!

"What is your problem?" she snarls. I swallow and turn away, giving her my back. After that session in the shower, my dick is not being inconspicuous at all. "Some people like to sleep, Donovan whatever-your-last-name-is!"

I turn back, holding her eyes. I’m not letting myself fall into the trap of looking down. "You really don't know my name, Princess?"

She rolls her eyes at me and tries to run her fingers through her messy hair, getting them caught. She grimaces, giving up. "At two in the flippin’ morning, I barely know my own damn name."

A chuckle bursts out of me, surprising us both. "Well, you can thank my sister, Princess. Just got off the phone with her."

That catches her attention. "You have a sister? Why didn't I know that?" she says quietly, confusing me.Why would she know that?

"Yeah I have two, and a brother, plus there’s a baby on the way from the step-monster my dad married."

She nods and looks down, tugging her shirt lower.Looks like someone realized they’re practically nakey."I should go put some pants on, then I'll make us someone to eat," she mutters before hauling ass back to her room.

I chuckle again loudly, making her freeze and spin.

“Problem?” she demands, placing her hands on her hips which causes the shirt to rise higher, giving me a generous glimpse of her milky thighs.

“Who are we eating, Princess? If I may make a suggestion...” I pause for dramatic effect, and she raises her eyebrow at me, then scoffs.

“Once again asshole, it is two in the flippin’ morning. Something. I will make ussomethingto eat, but if you keep this up I’ll just go to bed, and you can cook your own damn early morning snack.”

I don’t say another word. If she’s willing to make me some more of those amazing muffins, then for once I don’t want to piss her off.

She spins back around and marches to her room.

I return to the kitchen and start the coffee, willing my dick to calm down.I need to get laid.Usually I’d call up Winnie, but yeah, that's never happening again. I move to the kitchen door and step outside to get some air, walking over to sit at the little bench next to the pond. I glance around, but since no one’s around—it is two a.m., after all—I start making little hearts out of flames, letting them drift up in the air and turn to smoke. I also make a star, and a few rings. One of the things I learned to do first when my powers ascended was to create smoke rings. I thought it was so cool, my father did not. He said it was a waste of energy, just like I was. Gah, I love my siblings, but I can’t stand him. If you ever wanted to meet an evil, satanic bastard—well, that's good old Dad for ya.

I extinguish the flames and make my way back inside.

Silver is standing there with… Are those reindeer pants? She does know Christmas isn’t for another six months, right? I open my mouth to comment but she's pulling ingredients out from the fridge, and my stomach reminds me that we want to keep her happy so she feeds us.

“Can I help?” I ask, making her jump. I must have startled her.

“Umm yeah, if you want. Do you know how to cook? I’m not awake enough for baking but I was thinking maybe Monte Cristo sandwiches? I used to make them with my family on special occasions,” she says, then turns away, wiping her cheek. Fuck. Maybe mentioning my sister earlier upset her? I just seem to mess everything up when it comes to Silver Forest.

I shrug, and move to the coffee pot. “I’ve never had one, but it sounds good. How do you like your coffee?”

She stops what she's doing and looks over at me. Quirking an eyebrow, she asks, “You want to make me coffee?”

I give her my panty-melting grin, and her eyes drop to my mouth. It was only for a second, but she did it.I saw it.

“Just cream. Thank you, Donovan.” Hearing her say my name causes me to shiver, and flush.That was different.

I make us a mug each and bring them over to the table, before turning back to the sink and washing my hands. “Okay, what can I do to help?”

She places a bowl in front of me with some eggs, cream, sugar, and vanilla. “Can you make a French toast batter please? I’ll do the rest,” she says softly and goes back to whatever she's doing. I nod; I can handle that after watching Wells make French toast plenty of times.

“Do you think I should make some for the others?” she asks, as she dips the sandwiches in the batter.

“Arrow would probably love one. Wells is gone,” I reply flippantly, watching her drop the sandwiches onto the griddle.