We all stand immediately but he tells us to sit. Our asses drop into the chairs so fast, he laughs.

“Gentleman, please don’t act so nervous. This is a good meeting. I promise,” he says, giving us a smile which is more terrifying than reassuring. “Now, we brought you here to discuss a possible job for the coven. Master, your fathers and I think you are perfect for this assignment.” He pauses and we sit straighter, showing that we’re giving him our full attention. “What do you know about the Forest curse?” he asks and Arrow raises his hand, like the good little schoolboy he is.

I look over at Wells and he’s rolling his eyes as well.

Mr. Blackwell chuckles. “You don't need to raise your hand, Mr. Arrow, but please go ahead.”

“The Forest curse started with Elena Forest in 1922. She had betrayed a very powerful member of our coven and he cursed her, her children, and so on and so forth, with the ‘survivor’s guilt curse.’ Which means that every century, there will be a mass culling of the Forest bloodline and only one shall survive. Whoever is strong enough to survive shall inherit all the fortune as well as the power. He or she shall be the leader to our council, and coven—beholding the burden of all of our fates, and always having to watch her back until the day the curse is broken.” Arrow pauses to take a breath and Mr. Blackwell claps.

“Excellent. I am so pleased that you are up to date on your studies. This will make your assignment easier. The culling has occurred and Silver Forest is the last living heir. We must protect her at all costs. You must protect her at all costs.”

I thought this assignment would be a breeze. Had I known she was going to be sassy, beautiful, and a pain in the ass, I would have asked for more than a higher rank in the coven.

I finish my workout, then head back upstairs to shower. I let the cool water run over me, and think about the last time I actually did something that I wanted to do.

“Your dad is going to kill you, man,” Wells shouts in excitement, smacking me on the shoulder.

“Yeah well, I’m eighteen now. I can legally do what I want. Not like he will find out anyways.”

“True, true. Do you think I should get one too? Maybe we can get something that matches, have Arrow come down and get it too?” he suggests, with a big ass grin on his face.

I think it over for a minute. It’s not a bad idea. These guys are my brothers, stuck together for life.“You know what, man? Fuck it, call him.”

“Hell yes. That's what I'm talking about!” he crows, then leaves the shop to call our other best friend and brother, Arrow.

I smile and glance down at the pentagram tattoo on my left pec. Mine has flames around it, Wells has water, and Arrow has wind, matching our abilities. Wells was right—my dad did almost kill me when he saw it. Locked me down in the dungeon for a few days, but it was totally worth it.

“Dad, seriously, I’m eighteen! Who cares if I have ink on my body?” I shout as he slams the cellar door. It’s dark and musty but there’s a dim light shining through the metal bars.

“Blakes do not have such trivial things, Donovan. It’s time you learned that,” he roars, before leaving the cellar and taking the light with him.

I hate being down here. I can remember the first time I was thrown in this cell. I was five and I had accidentally ruined one of his ceremonial cloaks. All I’d been doing was playing wizards with Arrow and Wells. We’d just wanted to be like our dads. Funny how things change; now I would do anything to get away from him. I wonder how many days I’ll be left down here this time. I lean back against the wall and think about the future.

One day I’ll be in charge, and that man will pay. With his life.

I made a promise that day and I intend to keep it. Silver may be the one destined to be in charge of our coven, but I will destroy the man who has belittled and broken me down since I was a child.

Mark my words, one day I will be rid of Tobias Blake.