"Thank you, Jax. I'll be okay. Sometimes the sadness hits, and I need a moment alone. But I may take you up on that at some point." I take a deep breath and lower my hands, before shaking them out. "Now, apparently I have choir as an elective class this morning in the conservatory. Would you mind walking with me? I'm not quite sure where to go."

He gives me a beaming smile and grabs my hand. I resist the tug on it, and laugh.

"Um, I kinda need to get out of my jammies, and you don't have a shirt on," I point out, taking a good long look at his sculpted stomach. I manage to catch myself before I follow his trimmed happy trail down any further.

I’ll say one thing, whoever I do make my husband will have an amazing body. Not that looks are the only thing that matters. Heat hits my face, and I turn before he can see the blush.

"I’ll be ready in about ten minutes," I say over my shoulder. Suddenly, I hear a snort from down the hall, and I turn. Donovan and Wells are walking toward us.

"What?" I demand, placing my hands on my hips.

"A woman being ready in ten minutes. Yeah, I’ve heard that before," Donovan says, with a roll of his eyes.

I just shake my head, and purse my lips. "I'll be out in seven minutes, Jax," I call with a wink.

He chuckles, nodding his head in acknowledgement.

I shut my door, and rip my clothes off as fast as possible, sliding a maxi dress on with a built-in bra. I slide my panties down and grab a clean pair, pulling them up quickly. Then I whip my hair into a messy bun, and grab my purse, shoving my notebook into a side pocket. I spritz a tiny bit of perfume, and roll some deodorant on.

I'm ready. I open my door while slipping some sandals on. The boys haven't moved. I strut past them with my head held high. I can't help but gently pat Donovan's chest again as I pass.

"I'll be outside whenever you're ready, Jax," I say flippantly.

Once I reach the kitchen door, I hear from the hallway, "I like her." I'm not sure who said it but I know it's not Mr. Asshole.

I open the door, and step outside to a warm breeze. I take a deep breath and can't stop the grin from growing on my face. I think I may actually like it here.