Page 109 of The Forest Witch Lies



“Snow!” someone croaks from beside me, jolting me from a strange dream. I open my eyes, my head is killing me.I thought I heard…


“Wells? Is that you? What’s going on? Where am I?” I ask. My eyes are covered with a cloth, but there are small slivers of light peeking through.

“Oh good! My little devil, I see you're finally awake. Now the real fun can begin,” a man says from behind me. A door slams and I jump as much as my suspended wrists allow. I try and think back to what happened. My mind is a jumbled mess, but I remember sitting on a couch with Luke. He was holding me while I cried over the betrayal of my guys.What happened after?

The blindfold is removed and Wells is chained, just like in my dreams. I gasp and start to cry. He looks barely alive. His face is almost unrecognizable, with purple and yellow spots all over his jaw, forehead, and cheekbones. Mottled blood is dried all down his neck and T-shirt.

“Wells, what are you doing here? What have you done to him?” I cry out.

The man comes up behind me and kisses the back of my neck, almost lovingly. I shiver in disgust, and try to turn my head away.

“Well, you see, Mr. Birch here is your sacrifice.” He moves in front of me and I scream.

It can’t be him.Hegives a self-satisfied smirk as he looks me up and down, chuckling to himself.

I shake my head no.I could... I would never hurt Wells. I love him.

“How could you do this to him, to me? I trusted you!” I growl.

“You must kill him, Silver, or give your heart and soul to evil. It’s your choice, but I can’t see you handling a life of evil,” he says with a shrug, both confusing me and pissing me off.How dare he!

I start to laugh. It’s finally happened. I have lost my mind.

Luke slaps me across the face and I lick the drop of blood from my split lip. I glare at him and spit the blood in his face. He growls and goes to hit me once more. But I just give him a bloody smile and he freezes.

“Even dripping in blood, your beauty astounds me.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t even start, you lied to me this whole time,” I snarl. “I can’t and won’t hurt him. You should know that about me by now!”

He chuckles and shrugs once more. “Whatever you decide doesn’t much matter to me. You’re mine either way.”

“You’re saying I need to commit murder to not become evil like you?” I roll my eyes and laugh once more. “Please tell me you get how ass backwards that is?”

He shakes his head. “You must sacrifice someone you love to stay pure.”

Tears run down my swelling face and I sob. “That doesn't make any sense.” He comes closer and kisses my forehead. I jolt away.

“It’s what must be done. So tell me, Silver Forest, my little devil. Will you kill your love or follow me into the darkness?”

I glance over at Wells once more and he's mumbling at me, telling me to kill him. He’s hardly coherent. He needs help. I look back to Luke’s eyes.

“If I choose to let evil overtake me...” I pause and hiccup. “Wells will live? He’ll be okay?”

Luke’s golden eyes brighten and a large smile appears on his face. “Yes. Wellson Birch will live a long, miserable life, surrounded by insignificant little worms. Well, only if you make up your mind soon. He’s not looking too well.” He walks over and smacks Wells hard. “Wake up, man. Say your goodbyes.”

I take one more look at the man who helped heal my broken and bruised heart. I can do this for him, for them. I never expected to live past this year. They saved me in more ways than one—helping a lost girl to become whole again.

I know what I have to do. I take a deep shuddering breath.


“No Snow, please! You can’t do this,” Wells slurs, trying to lift his eyes to mine. He’s so weak. I don’t think he has long; I must do this fast.